Bosanquet, Henry Theodore Augustus, Captain, 1870-1959.

The papers include seven volumes of personal papers and newspaper cuttings, 1879 to 1955. Bosanquet's service afloat is covered by logs and watchbills, 1883 to 1894. Bosanquet's notes on historical and technical subjects are elsewhere in the Museum manuscript collections.

Administrative / biographical background
Bosanquet entered the Navy in 1883 and served on the Cape of Good Hope Station, 1885 to 1887, in the Raleigh, going out in the WYE and returning in the HIMALAYA. Between 1888 and 1892 he served in the IRON DUKE, ACTIVE, THAMES and ANSON, all in home waters. He became a lieutenant in 1892. In the PALUMA he went to Australia and there joined the CRESCENT, KATOOMBA and IPHIGENIA, returning to England in 1894. Because of ill-health he retired as lieutenant in 1898. During the two World Wars he worked at the Admiralty and was advanced to captain on the retired list. He was Secretary of the Marine Society, 1900 to 1914, was then on the Committee between 1917 and 1948 and was also active in the Society for Nautical Research.

Record Details

Item reference: BOS; BOS BOS/8/1 GB 0064
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Date made: 1879-1955
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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