Hydrographic Office charts.

Collection of Hydrographic Office charts: 1 chart of the Orkney Islands; 3 charts showing parts of the North Atlantic Ocean; 2 charts showing the West Coast of Africa (Cape Verde to Cape Naze and Cape Verde to River Cacheo); 1 chart of the East Coast of Australia (Claremont Point to Cape Direction); 1 chart of the world; 2 charts showing the track of the German light cruiser EMDEN in the Indian Ocean and elsewhere between July and November 1914, drawn by Bosanquet while employed by the trade division of the Admiralty.

Record Details

Item reference: BOS/12
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1890-1940; 1914-01-01 - ?
Creator: Bosanquet, Henry Theodore Augustus
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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