Louis, Sir Thomas, 1st Baronet, Rear-Admiral, 1759-1807.

The papers of Thomas Louis consist of thirty-eight items relating to the official honours Louis received for his services between 1796 and 1806.

Administrative / biographical background
Thomas Louis entered the Navy in 1770, was promoted to lieutenant in 1777 and to captain in 1783. In 1794 he took command of the MINOTAUR, one of the ships in Nelson's squadron during the battle of the Nile, 1798; he continued under Nelson's orders in 1799, off the coast of Italy. Promoted to Rear-Admiral in 1804, Louis commanded the blockade off Boulogne, after which he hoisted his flag in the CANOPUS, off Toulon, in 1805. Still in the CANOPUS, Louis was second-in-command of the squadron which destroyed the French fleet at the battle of San Domingo, 1806; for this he was rewarded with a baronetcy. Later in 1806 he took charge of a small squadron in the Eastern Mediterranean and remained there until his death. See H.B. Louis, 'One of Nelson's Band of Brothers: Admiral Sir Thomas Louis, bart' (Malta, 1951).

Record Details

Item reference: LOU/1-99; LOU
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Date made: 1759-01-01 - 1807-12-31
Credit: Transferred by The National Archive as a Public Deposit.

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