Louis family papers

The collection relates to the naval careers of Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Louis, 1st Baronet (1759-1807) and his son Admiral Sir John Louis, 2nd Baronet (1785-1863). The papers of Sir Thomas Louis consist of thirty eight items relating to the official honours he received for his services between 1796 and 1806. The papers of Sir John Louis consist of personal letters and official appointments, 1811 to 1848. There is also a collection of original letters and orders received from Lord Nelson, 1798-1805.

Administrative / biographical background
See sub-collection level records.

Record Details

Item reference: LOU; MS1958-122 GB 0064
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Date made: 1796-1848
Credit: On loan to the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, from a private lender

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