Oliver, Thomas William, Commander, Fl.1848-1872

The papers are part of the Royal United Service Institution Collection, transferred to the Museum in 1968. They had been presented to the Royal United Service Institution by Captain F.M.L. Oliver, R.N. They consist of logs, 1848 to 1849, 1851 to 1859 and 1863 to 1866.

Administrative / biographical background
Oliver was midshipman in the Asia in 1848 when she was flagship of the Pacific Squadron. He then served in the Rapid on the China Station. In 1854 he was promoted to lieutenant while in the Spartan at Hong Kong. Between 1855 and 1856 he served in the St. George off Lisbon and in 1857 in the Exmouth in the Mediterranean. He commanded the Louisa, gun boat tender to the Edinburgh, in home waters in 1858, and served in the Colossus and Frederick William in the Channel, 1864 to 1865, and in the Aboukir, West Indies, in 1866. From 1866 he appears to have had no further active post and he retired with the rank of commander in 1872.

Record Details

Item reference: RUSI/NM/150/; XX(62873.1)
Catalogue Section: Artificial collections previously assembled
Date made: 1848-1872-12-31; 1848-01-01 - 1872-12-31 1848-1872
Creator: Oliver, Thomas William
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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