Papers consisting of midshipman's logs of Mid Turner Warner Burt in the East India Company's Service and later in the Royal Navy, 14 Jul 1856-12 July 1861.

The papers are part of the collection of naval manuscripts transferred from the Royal United Service Institution in 1968. They consist of midshipman's logs of Mid T W Burt in the East India Company's Service and later in the Royal Navy, 14 Jul 1856-12 July 1861. See full list in printed catalogue.

Administrative / biographical background
Burt entered the Indian Navy as a volunteer in 1855 and was appointed midshipman in the following year. He served in the Assaye, Constance, Clive, Georgiana, Auckland, Lady Canning, Ajdaha and Falkland between 1856 and 1861. He was promoted to mate in 1861, but in 1862 the service disbanded. He died in New Zealand.

Record Details

Item reference: RUSI/NM/142; XX(62690.1)
Catalogue Section: Artificial collections previously assembled
Creator: Burt, Turner Warner
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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