Diary kept by Commander Arthur C. Woods on HMS ACORN, 1897.

Diary kept by Commander Arthur C. Woods on the screw sloop HMS ACORN (1884) on the South Coast of America station, covering the period 1 January 1897 to 2 August 1897. The locations include the Falkland Islands, Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo and Madeira. The ACORN arrived at Sheerness for paying-off on 3 August 1897.

Record Details

Item reference: RUSI/NM/175
Catalogue Section: Artificial collections previously assembled
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1897-1897-12-31; 1897-01-01 - 1897-12-31 1897-1897
Creator: Woods, Arthur Charles
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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