Records and letters relating to HMS HYPERION, HM Sloop MUROS, HMS COMET, HMS POMONE and other, including convoy lists and records of ships boarded at sea.

Records and letters relating to HMS HYPERION, HM Sloop MUROS, HMS COMET, HMS POMONE and others, including convoy lists and records of ships boarded at sea. Also includes Duckworth's correspondence, a warrant to import goods into Newfoundland, observations on signal flags and printed material regarding a pronouncement by the Prince Regent.

Record Details

Item reference: DUC/18
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1812-01-01 - 1812-10-03; 1812-01-01 - ?
Creator: Duckworth, John Thomas
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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