Visitor Book of the Herschel Observatory with added material.

Visitor book of the Herschel Observatory written in both ends. The front section contains the visitors book from 1 January 1791 to 12 July 1924. These entries are in a variety of hands and calling cards, among the visitors are listed Count Rumford; John Jay; C.C. Pinckney; Sir Joseph Banks and hundreds of other persons from royalty, nobility and scientists. Just after these entries there is a 1922 Sir William Herschel Centenary and 1924-1929 Exhibition at Collingwood of the Herschel Observatory Instruments. (There is an envelope stuck inside the book with a loose paper inside that explains the signature of the Chinese Minister signed 17 September 1897.)
The other portion of the visitor book is located at the back of the manuscripts, this is a list of Sir John Frederick William Herschel publications; it contains notices of his scientific and other publications written during 1868-1869 with lists of the persons to him he sent off prints.

Record Details

Item reference: VBK/16/1; MSS/80/031 MS1980/031
Catalogue Section: Manuscript volumes acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1783-1929; 1791-1929
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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