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Imperial defence 1868-1887 / Donald Mackenzie Schurman ; edited by John Beeler.
"The technical transformation of the Royal Navy during the Victorian era posed many design, tactical and operational problems for administrators from the 1830s onwards. The switch from sail to steam required the creation of a system of defended coaling stations and a greater infrastructure."--Provided by the publisher.
2000. • BOOK • 1 copy available.
Advanced ship modelling
The book, which deals with advanced theory and practice for the maritime modeller, covers the philosophy of model-making, building static and working models, researching sources of information and reading drawings. With detailed informaton on workshop practice, theory and technique, the book is illustrated with the author's own modelling projects. Covering materials, hulls, superstructure and decks, armament, finishing and painting, etching and making glass display cases, illustrations include models of Victorian warships Devastation and Magnificent, 20th-century ships Belfast and Queen Elizabeth, aircraft carrier Glorious and the battleship Anson, and RNLI lifeboats including Grace Darling's coble. It also includes photographs of models by Jimmy Wood and Alex MacFadyen.
2000 • BOOK • 2 copies available.
The art and history of globes / Sylvia Sumira.
This book celebrates the art and history of the globe, focusing on the 400 years when the printed globe - as navigational tool, scientific instrument and powerful status symbol - occupied an important place in the history of European exploration. It ranges from the first globe ever made in China to the desktop models in Victorian schoolrooms, and from celestial globes of the sixteenth century to charming pocket examples produced as educational toys. Featuring sixty examples drawn from collections around the world, this is a major new book on the subject for the general reader and collectors alike, and uses stunning new photography to pick out the revealing details - ships and sea monsters, navigators' tracks and newly found islands, constellations and astronomical features - that help us to understand why globes were made and how they were used.0Published in North and South America by University of Chicago Press as 'Globes: 400 Years of Exploration, Navigation and Power.'
2014. • FOLIO • 1 copy available.
The Routledge companion to Britain in the nineteenth century, 1815-1914 / Chris Cook.
A compendium of information on the Victorian era, arranged in four sections: political, social and religious; economic; and foreign affairs, defence and empire.
2005. • BOOK • 1 copy available.
The General Steam Navigation Company, c.1850-1913 : a business history /Robert Edward Forrester.
This PhD thesis details the history of The General Steam Navigation Company, a London-based shipowner operating a range of steamship liner services, mainly for passengers but also for some cargo (including cattle). The study places the company within the context of the general history of British coastal shipping and short-sea shipping. As essentially a business history, it focuses on the motivations and activities of the management and provides a detailed analysis of the company's financial and operational performance within a changing political, legal and economic framework in an era that featured both 'The Great Victorian Boom' and 'The Great Depression'. Forrester examines the role played by two key Board chairmen, J Herbert Tritton and Richard White, in the fluctuating fortunes of the company during these times, in which it experienced a near collapse and slow recovery. Sample Profit and Loss Accounts, Balance Sheets and Receipts and Costs data are provided in numerous tables and figures.
• FOLIO • 1 copy available.
Vapor Yavari : navigation on Lake Titicaca Peru 1862 /Meriel Larken.
Larken, Meriel.
2006. • BOOK • 1 copy available.
629.123.2 YAVARI
Joint conference of the British Society for the History of Science and the Past and Present Society on the patronage of science in the nineteenth century : conference papers.
British Society for the History of Science.
1972] • BOOK • 1 copy available.
The optical munitions industry in Great Britain, 1888-1923 / Stephen C. Sambrook.
"The story of the optical munitions industry embraces not only entrepreneurship and invention, but also aspects of military technology and international politics. Running counter to the general decline of technological industries in post-Victorian Britain, optical munitions provides an important, previously overlooked, study into the business of manufacturing."--Provided by the publisher.
2013. • BOOK • 1 copy available.
A Cumberland endeavour : Hine Brothers of Maryport :the people, the ships and the town /Ian Hine.
The author traces the story of the Hine Brothers of Maryport, a shipping company founded and run by Wilfred and Alfred Hine in the latter half of the 19th century. The book details the important events in the Hine family alongside the development of the company and includes black and white photographs of important family occasions. It includes examples of the exploits of some of the captains and crews and the development of Maryport itself, through the Victorian era until just before the First World War. The chapters give a chronological account of the company, the family and the town from 'The Beginnings', 'Growth and Development: 1873-1881' to 'The Gathering Storm: 1906' and 'The End of the Line'. Included is an alphabetical list of the company fleet, together with black and white photographs of the ships.
2012. • BOOK • 1 copy available.
Sailing for the Empire : the life of Admiral Sir John Corbett in letters and paintings.
"This is the first major account of an important part of the life of the naval officer who rose to be the eminent Admiral Sir John Corbett, KCB, (1822-1893) and became Commander-in-Chief in the East Indies and at the Nore. He played significant roles in the expansion and management of the British Empire and ending the slave trade. His exploits are visually captured by the full-colour and black and white illustrations, many from his own skilled sketches and paintings. Corbett's informative detailed letters in particular provide an important insight into life in the Victorian navy in many parts of the world, and how senior officers recorded and communicated their experiences."--
2024. • FOLIO • 1 copy available.
Leviathan : the rise of Britain as a world power /David Scott.
"The 350 years between the accession of the Tudors and the beginning of the Victorian era saw one of the great transformations of any nation in history: Britain emerged from its lowly position as European underdog to become the world's only maritime superpower. It was a period that saw the creation of Protestant kingdoms in England and Scotland, the gain and loss of American colonies and the beginnings of a new empire in Africa, India and Australasia. It is a slice of our past represented by some of the most compelling personalities to have graced the historical stage ? Elizabeth I, Nelson, Cromwell and Byron amongst them."--Dust jacket.
2013. • BOOK • 1 copy available.
David Livingstone and Africa : proceedings of a seminar held on the occasion of the centenary of the death of David Livingstone at the Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh 4th and 5th May 1973.
1973. • BOOK • 1 copy available.
The Ferry : a drive-through history :the story of the ferry development from the Leviathan (1850) to today's super jumbo ferries /Bruce Peter and Philip Dawson
"This authoritative and detailed book written by Bruce Peter and Philip Dawson covers the history and development of the ferry from the Victorian era to this century. This leading academic book is supported by photography and illustrations."--Provided by the publisher.
2010. • FOLIO • 1 copy available.
Pleasure boating on the Thames : a history of Salter Bros, 1858-present day/Simon Wenham.
"The River Thames above London underwent a dramatic transformation during the Victorian period, from a great commercial highway into a vast conduit of pleasure. Pleasure Boating on the Thames traces these changes through the history of the firm that did more than any other on the waterway to popularise recreational boating. Salter Bros began as a small boat-building enterprise in Oxford and went on to gain worldwide fame, not only as the leading racing boat constructor, but also as one of the largest rental craft and passenger boat operators in the country. Simon Wenham's illustrated history sheds light on 150 years of social change, how leisure developed on the waterway (including the rise of camping), as well as how a family firm coped with the changes brought about by industrialisation - a business that, today, still carries thousands of passengers a year."--Provided by the publisher.
2014. • BOOK • 1 copy available.
Deterrence through strength : British naval power and foreign policy under Pax Britannica /Rebecca Berens Matzke.
Matzke, Rebecca Berens.
2011. • BOOK • 1 copy available.
The empire project : the rise and fall of the British world-system, 1830-1970 /John Darwin.
This history of the British Empire charts how this intricate imperial web was first strengthened, then weakened and finally destroyed on patterns of global economic and political upheaval.
2009. • BOOK • 1 copy available.
London's pleasure steamers / Andrew Gladwell.
"For generations of Londoners, a trip to the seaside aboard a pleasure steamer such as the Royal Eagle, Golden Eagle or Royal Daffodil was the highlight of the year and these ?Poor Man?s Liners? were part of childhood and family life for huge numbers of people. The tradition went back to the 1820s when the first commercial paddle steamers entered service and the advent of paid holidays for the masses saw a huge rise in the numbers of pleasure steamers and passengers using them. The steamers went from London to resorts on the Kent and Essex coasts, from Gravesend to Southend, from Clacton to Ramsgate and Margate. Both piers and steamers evolved into glorious reflections of the Victorian age, but in the twentieth century things changed again as there was more competition on the river. A brief boom came in the years following the Second World War but in the mid-1960s London?s pleasure steamer heritage ground to a halt before services started again during the late 1970s. Andrew Gladwell, archivist of the Paddle Steamer Preservation Society, takes us on a journey on the paddle steamers that once plied the Thames from London."--Provided by publisher.
2015. • BOOK • 1 copy available.
Bloody Foreigners : the story of immigration to Britain
"The story of the way Britain has been settled and influenced by foreign people and ideas is as old as the land itself. In the first book to treat the subject as a continuous narrative, Robert Winder tells of the remarkable migrations that have founded and defined a nation. It is a moving and inspiring history, which begins with hunter-gatherers following the melting ice and moves through a thousand years of invasions from 55BC to the Battle of Hastings. Winder describes how the Jewish community, originally sponsored by William the Conqueror, was persecuted and expelled by Edward I; how a Dutch elite crossed the Channel with William II, among them clockmakers, goldsmiths and artists; and the daring escape of the Huguenots, who fled religious persecution on the continent and helped lay the foundations of an industrial and commercial revolution. Victorian Britian hummed with human traffic from all over Europe, from scientists to sailors, dissidents to engineers. Robert Winder chronicles the impact of the Irish and the other great influxes of that century: from Italy, Germany, Jewish Russia and Poland. As the curtain falls on the British Empire, he follows the tumultuous arrival of the hopeful travellers from India, Africa, China and the Caribbean."--Provided by the publisher.
2004 • BOOK • 1 copy available.
British Ironclads 1860-75 : HMS Warrior and the Royal Navy's 'Black Battlefleet' /Angus Konstam.
"In November 1859, the French warship La Gloire was launched. She was the world's first seagoing ironclad - a warship built from wood, but whose hull was clad in a protective layer of iron plate. Britain, not to be outdone, launched her own ironclad the following year - HMS Warrior - which, when she entered service, became the most powerful warship in the world. Just like the Dreadnought half a century later, this ship changed the nature of naval warfare forever, and sparked a frantic arms race. The elegant but powerful Warrior embodied the technological advances of the early Victorian era, and the spirit of this new age of steam, iron and firepower. Fully illustrated with detailed cutaway artwork, this book covers the British ironclad from its inception and emergence in 1860, to 1875, a watershed year, which saw the building of a new generation of recognisably modern turreted battleships."--Provided by the publisher.
2018. • BOOK • 1 copy available.
Chatham steamers : the paddle steamers of the London Chatham & Dover Railway /John Hendy.
"The London Chatham & Dover Railway was the operator of the prestigious Dover to Calais cross-Channel service between 1864 and 1899. During this time it underwent a huge period of change from small, wooden hulled vessels of basic design to large, fast and efficient paddle steamers of steel construction. Within the period under review, Victorian inventiveness saw the appearance of what were known as the 'peculiars'; three strange vessels of unusual design which it was hoped would save the long-suffering public from sea-sickness. As a railway company, the London Chatham & Dover Railway was frequently criticised for the poor quality of its rolling stock and its lamentable punctuality. In sharp contrast, under the control of Captain William Morgan RN, its Marine Department rose to the highest levels of efficiency and set the standard which was forthcoming throughout the entire period of railway ownership."--Provided by the publisher.
[2021] • BOOK • 1 copy available.
The Thames Iron Works 1837-1912 : a major shipbuilder on the Thames /Daniel Harrison.
"The Thames Iron Works and Shipbuilding Company, one of the great private enterprises of the Victorian age, launched some of the most famous warships of the time from its slipways at the mouth of the River Lea. A pioneer of shipbuilding in iron, the yard's expertise was also deployed in ground-breaking civil engineering projects using iron structures. Several important components of the yard were investigated at a Crossrail site on the Limmo peninsula, including engineering workshops, a furnace, a mast house and mould loft building, and a slipway. An account of the history of the company places it in the wider context of London?s 19th-century shipbuilding industry."--Provided by the publisher.
2015. • BOOK • 1 copy available.
The fatal fortress / the guns and fortifications of Singapore 1819-1856 /Bill Clements.
"The Fall of Singapore in February 1942 was arguably the greatest disaster suffered by the British Empire. Between 1923 and 1938, the Singapore naval base had been upgraded with some of the largest coast guns ever installed. The guns' design and incorrect siting have since been blamed for the humiliating debacle. The Fatal Fortress traces the history of Singapore's fortifications and guns from the city's foundation in 1819 to the demise of coast artillery in the British Army in 1953. It also follows the development of artillery through the Victorian era of muzzle-loading guns to the introduction of the large breech-loading guns of the twentieth century. The author argues that it was not the siting of the guns that brought about the fall of Singapore, but an overall failure in command and control and a lack of suitable ammunition. The book is illustrated with a large number of photographs, drawings and plans, and contains a gazetteer describing all the batteries and forts, both existing and demolished. There is also an annex giving the details of the guns that were installed in Singapore."--Provided by the publisher.
2016. • BOOK • 1 copy available.
The Portsmouth Dockyard story : from 1212 to the present day /Paul Brown.
"From muddy creek to naval-industrial powerhouse; from constructing wooden walls to building Dreadnoughts; from maintaining King John's galleys to servicing the enormous new Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers: this is the story of Portsmouth Dockyard. Respected maritime historian Paul Brown's unique 800-year history of what was once the largest industrial organisation in the world is a combination of extensive original research and stunning images. The most comprehensive history of the dockyard to date, it is sure to become the definitive work on this important heritage site and modern naval base."--Provided by the publisher.
2018. • BOOK • 1 copy available.
Forgotten songs and stories of the sea : A treasury of voices from our maritime past /Caroline Rochford
"Stirring tales of heroism at sea have been engrained in the annals of maritime history since time immemorial. Christopher Columbus's discovery of the New World, Queen Elizabeth I's defeat of the Spanish Armada, and Horatio Nelson's victory at Trafalgar are just some of Britain's most memorable naval triumphs. But what about the lesser-known tales from our seafaring past? The Victorian who invented a swimming machine in order to cross the English Channel; the capture of a 'real-life' mermaid; the lost pirate treasure of Alborâan; the ghost of a murdered sailor who still haunts the streets of Portsmouth; and the daring explorers who vanished into the blue yonder, leaving behind nothing but a cryptic message in a champagne bottle - these are just some of our quirky naval stories that have been chronicled in verse and archived in newspaper clippings, and forgotten with the passage of time. Historian and genealogist Caroline Rochford has compiled 200 traditional songs and stories into this book, which offers an exciting, entertaining and eye-opening glimpse into our long lost maritime past."--Provided by the publisher.
2016 • BOOK • 1 copy available.
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