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Steel's naval remembrancer : or, the gentleman's maritime chronology of the various transactions of the late war, from its commencement to the important period of signing the preliminary articles, on the 20th of January, 1783. Being An interesting Collection of Intelligence, absolutely necessary for making an accurate Investigation of the naval Resources and efficient Force of the late belligerent Powers. Comprised Under The Following Heads: 1. An accurate Statement of the marine Forces of England, France, Spain, and Holland, on the 20th of January, 1783; deducing thence a comparative View of the Navies of each Power, as opposed to Great-Britain. 2. The Disposition of the commissioned Ships of the British Navy, January 20, 1783, tabularly shewing the Admirals and Commodores on the different Stations, with the Number of Ships under their respective Commands. 3. A List of the Cabinet, Jan. 20, 1783. 4. Authentic Copies of the Provisional Articles and Definitive Treaty with America; the Preliminary Articles and Definitive Treaties with France and Spain; and the Preliminary Articles with Holland; including Copies of the Full Powers, Separate Articles, and other Instruments, signed by the belligerent and mediating Powers, or their Plenipotentiaries. 5. The British Ministry, at the different Periods of signing the Preliminary Articles and Definitive Treaties, &c. 6. A List of British Ships of War lost, taken, or destroyed, during the late War, by whom and where taken, &c. 7. A List of American, French, Spanish, and Dutch, Ships, taken or destroyed during the late War, by whom and where taken, &c. 8. A List of Admirals, Commodores, Post-Captains, Masters and Commanders, and Lieutenants commanding Cutters, &c. who have lost their Lives in the Service of Great-Britain during the late War, with the Dates of their Commissions, the Ships they commanded, and the Year and Manner of their Death. With many other subordinate Lists, Tables, &c. Steel, David, M.DCC.LXXXIV. [1784]. • RARE-BOOK • 1 copy available. 355.49"1783":094