Miscellaneous collection of papers.

Miscellaneous collection of papers: printed proposals for printing by subscriptions of his marine dictionary signed by William Falconer, ca.1768; letters from Captain Philip Beaver to Captain John Markham, 5 August and 12 November 1803, regarding the possibility of an enemy invasion in the Thames Estuary; letter from Edward Daniel Clarke, traveller, to the Rev. J. Henley, relating to a trip to Bethlehem, September 1803; a War Office letter to S. Billingsly, 9 Dec 1806; and a letter from Captain Anthony Belgrave(?) Valpy, to the Rev. J.S. Hughes, 20 April 1831, and other papers.

Object Details

ID: HSR/Z/25
Type: Manuscript
Display location: Not on display
Date made: 1768 - 1831; 1768-01-01 - 1831-12-31
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Parts: Records And Descriptions relating to Historical Events (Manuscript)

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