The Career of Admiral G H Bedford, February 1901 to July 1902

Page 1
Photograph 1: HMS Crescent [1892] underway.

Page 2
Ephemera 1: Card on which all the places visited between February 1901 to July 1902 are listed.

Page 3:
Photograph 2: Group photograph of officers of HMS Crescent [1892] taken 1901. Their names are listed under the photograph.

Page 4: Title: Trinidad 1901.
Photograph 3: View of bamboo over a river.
Photograph 4: Group photograph which includes Admiral and Lady Bedford with Sir Alfred Maloney, Governor of Trinidad and Lady Maloney in grounds of ?Government Building.
Text: February 6th. Weighed at 4pm and proceeded to sea with squadron, Crescent [1892], Charybdis [1893], Indefatigable [1891], Tribune [1891], Pallas [1890], Prosperine [1896], Psyche [1898], Rocket [1894] and Quail [1895].

Page 5: Title: Jamaica.
Photograph 5: Two thatched huts surrounded with palm trees.
Photograph 6: ‘On the road to Spanish Town.
Photograph 7: Group photograph –Captain and Mrs Evans, Admiral Bedford and Flag Lt.Rymer.
Photograph 8: Distant view of Newcastle Camp 4,000 ft above sea level.
Photograph 9: ‘Newcastle Camp.
Text: February 11th. Arrived at Kingston 7am. February 13th. Drove to Newcastle Camp 2 ½ hours up and 2 hours down.

Page 6: Title: Jamaica.
Photograph 10: Monument to Lord Rodney, Spanish Town [In 1782 Admiral Lord Rodney defeated the French at the battle of the Saintes thus preventing the French invasion of Jamaica].

Page 7: Title: Jamaica.
Photograph 11: ‘Rio Cobre. The Bog Walk’.[Bog Walk is a town in Jamaica].
Photograph 12: ‘Rio Cobre and the weir’. Text: February 14th. Lady B and myself lunched at Halfway Tree Pen with Mr Hotchkin, afterwards he drove us through Spanish Town and on to the Rio Cobre and Bog Walk. February 16th, Psyche [1898], Prosperine [1896], Rocket [1894] and Quail [1895] left for Bermuda; Charybdis [1893] for Barbados at 8am. Crescent [1892] and Tribune [1891] left at 11am for Nassau.

Page 8: Title: Nassau. The Bahamas.
Photograph 13: ‘Silk Cotton Tree’.
Photograph 14: ‘Natives’. [Man and boy in donkey cart and small boy standing in front of donkey].
Photograph 15: ‘A Sponge Yard’ [showing groups of Bahamians working on sponges].

Page 9: Title: Nassau.
Photograph 16: ‘The Hotel Colonial’ [view from across the bay].

Page 10: Title: Bermuda
Watercolour 17:’Ireland Island from Spanish Point’ [north western most island in the chain which comprises Bermuda]. Text: February 25th Arrived at Bermuda 10am rather rough passage.

Page 11: Title: Bermuda. At Admiralty House.
Photograph 18: ‘The figurehead HMS Irresistible [launched 1859, sold Bermuda 1894] at the cove.
Photograph 19: ‘Drawing Room’ [Admiralty House].
Photograph 20: ‘Drawing Room’ [Admiralty House].
Photograph 21: ‘Admiral and Lady B [Bedford] and Mrs Hunt Slater’ [in the grounds of Admiralty House]
Photograph 22: ‘Entrance to Tunnel’ [Admiral Bedford with [Slater] children]
Photograph 23: ‘In the cave [Admiral Bedford with Slater children]

Page 12: Title: Bermuda.
Watercolour 24: ‘Drying Nets –Spanish Point’ [small boat in the foreground with nets draped over fence at edge of cliff].
Watercolour 25: ‘At the top of path leading to cove. Admiralty House’ [view of bay with ship steaming by].

Page 13: Title: Bermuda. Progress of a Whitehead torpedo.
Photograph 26: ‘The Start’ [close up of torpedo about to be launched]
Photograph 27: ‘In the water’ [view of torpedo hitting the water].
Photograph 28: ‘The Trail’ [showing the track of the torpedo]
Photograph 29: ‘Fairly launched’ [showing the torpedo being launched from the side of the ship].
Photograph 30: ‘’Recovered’ [sailors in gig/whaler recovering torpedo from the sea].
Photograph 31: ‘The old Terror’ [floating battery and base ship Bermuda 1857]
Photograph 32: ‘Review [of sailors] at Ireland Island.

Page 14: Title: Bermuda
Watercolours 32 and 33: ‘Two sketches of Ireland Island at sunset from the Signal Station, Admiralty House.

Page 15: Title: Bermuda.
Photograph 34: ‘The Devil’s Hole’[a large water filled sinkhole near south eastern corner of Harrington Sound, Bermuda].
Photograph 35: an Edwardian scene –two young men in boaters and blazers seated on the grass with two young women in white dresses and hats.
Photograph 36; ‘Stern-sheets of barge’ [showing Admiral Bedford and party seated in the stern of a barge manned by two sailors and warrant officer.
Photograph 37: Group of five young men in civilian dress with donkey cart.
Photograph 38: ‘Mids.[Walter N] Lapage and [John C F] Borrett.
Photograph 39: Group photograph of young men and women.
Photograph 40: ‘Captain Campbell, [HMS] Indefatigable’ [1891].
Photograph 41: ‘Admiral’[Bedford sitting under a tree].

Page 16: Title: Bermuda.
Watercolour 42: ‘From the 5th Tee Hamilton Golf Links’.
Photograph 43: ‘Fore Turret of [HMS] Scorpion [1863] after firing at port holes with 6 pdr [gun]. (Repro ID: L5808)
Watercolour 44: ‘Oleanders: sketch at the 9th tee –Hamilton Golf Links’.
Photographs 45 and 46: HMS Scorpion [1863 –guard ship Bermuda from 1869]. Text: In May, we carried out some interesting experiments firing against Scorpion. (Plate 45 - Repro ID: L5809, Plate 46 - Repro ID: L5810)

Page 17: Title: Halifax.
Photograph 47: ‘[HMS] Crescent [1892] in dock. June’.
Photograph 48: ‘[HMS] Crescent [1892] in dock. June’. Text: May 24th 100 men from Crescent came over to tea and spent afternoon playing games, bathing etc. May 29th Left for Halifax –May 31st arrived.

Page 18: Title; Admiralty House Links.
Photograph 49: ‘View from 1st Tee.
Photograph 50: ‘Approaching the 1st Green ; the bunker’.
Photograph 51: ‘The 1st Green’.
Photograph 52: ‘The 3rd Tee’.
Photograph 53: ‘The 5th Green’.
Photograph 54: ‘The 4th Green’.
Photograph 55: ‘The 4th Tee’.
Photograph 56: ‘The 2nd Green and bunker in front of the 9th’.
Photograph 57: ‘The 2nd Green’.

Page 19: Title Halifax.
Photographs 58 and 59: ‘Garden Party at Admiralty House’. [Naval officers in uniform escorting ladies with parasols]. Text: July 25th Governor General and Lady Minto arrived in Minto. Garden party at house (400). Lieut. Governor’s dinner. Concert in Public Gardens after. July 26th Lunch at Bellevue (Col. And Mrs Biscoe) dinner at Admiralty House. July 27th Governor General left.

Page 20: Title: Bellevue 26th July 1901
Photograph 60: Group photograph including Admiral and Lady Bedford and Lord Minto [Governor General of Canada 1898-1904] and Lady Minto.

Page 21: Title: Halifax.
Watercolour 61: View of Admiralty House Links -6th and 9th Greens.
Photograph 62: ‘9th Green –adding up [?Admiral Bedford].
Photograph 63: ‘7th Green’.
Photograph 64: ‘The 7th Tee’.
Photograph 65: ‘The 6th Tee’.
Photograph 66: ‘From the 6th Tee’.

Page 22: Title: Halifax.
Photograph 67: French cruiser Isly Commodore Montferrond [1891] slightly distant with [HMS] Crescent [1892] steaming into Halifax.

Page 23: Title: Halifax Dockyard Regatta.
Photograph 68: ‘Dockyard Regatta 1901’ [HMS] Indefatigable [1891] at anchor with boats in foreground –racing cutters and boats containing spectators.
Photograph 69: View of racing cutter, distant.
Photograph 70: ‘Dockyard Regatta 1901. The Finish. 1st cutter HMS Crescent [1892] passing winning post’.
Photograph 71: Two racing cutters.
Photograph 72: Racing cutter.

Page 24: Title: Halifax July 20th 1901.
Photograph 73: 4 sailors paddling astride inflatable animals [?] on water surrounded with spectators.
Photograph 74: Distant view of HMS Indefatigable with racing cutters.
Photograph 75: ‘Lady Bedford distributing the prizes’.
Photograph 76: ‘Signal Station, Admiralty House’.

Photograph 25: Title: Halifax.
Photograph 77: ‘The Pavilion, Admiralty House’.
Photograph 78: ‘The Cricket Pitch, Admiralty House’.
Photograph 79: ‘Tennis Courts’.
Photograph 80: ‘At McNabs’’. [Three women seated in foreground with one naval officer in uniform and two men in civilian dress].
Photograph 81: ‘Mac’ [parrot on perch].
Photograph 82: ‘Humming Bird’[slightly blurred image of humming bird hovering over a tree].
Photograph 83: ‘Admiral and Flag Lieutenant’ [Bedford and Streatfeild both in uniform]
Photograph 84: ‘Drawing Room, Admiralty House’[shows interior with chintz furnishing]
Photograph 85: ‘Bankers Regatta’.
Photograph 86: Rifle shooting –officer lying prone with rifle. Sailor in uniform standing behind him.
Photograph 87: ‘Crescent’s camp at McNab’s Island’ [largest island in Halifax harbour].

Page 26: Title: Halifax.
Photograph 88: ‘North American Fleet Halifax, Nova Scotia. 1901’. Showing at anchor HMS Tribune [1891], HMS Crescent [1892], HMS Psyche [1898], HMS Pallas [1890] and HMS Prosperine [1896].
Photograph 89: ‘At the pond, Admiralty House’ [Admiral Bedford and First Lt. Strearfeild].
Photograph 90: Distant view over roof tops of a ship in the harbour.
Photograph 91: ‘Commissioner’s House, Dockyard’.
Photograph 92: ‘Mic-Mac’s Wigwam’.
Photograph 93: ‘Part of dockyard from harbour’.

Page 27
Photograph 94: Montmorency Falls [large waterfall on Montmorency river in Quebec]
Watercolour 95: ‘Falls of Montmorency’.
Watercolour 96: ‘Murray Bay’[ view from the bay towards the village on the banks of the bay] Text: August 31st Left Halifax 3pm with [HMS] Pallas [1890], Prosperine [1896] and Psyche [1898]. September 3rd Anchored in Murray Bay (St Lawrence river) at 7am. September 5th Weighed at 6am; moored off Citadel Quebec at 11 45am. Governor General there. September 8th.I went up to Montreal by night steamer; returned next night. [HMS] Indefatigable [1891], Tribune [1891] and Quail [1895] detached to meet [HMS]Ophir [1891 Royal Yacht]. September 14th Telegram from Ophir –they expected to anchor about 12 miles down on afternoon of next day.

Page 28: Title: Quebec.
Photograph 97: [HMS] Pallas [1890], Crescent [1892], Prosperine [1896], Psyche [1898] waiting arrival of [HMS]Ophir [1891] and escorts. {Ships at anchor in harbour at Quebec].
Photograph 98: ‘H.R.H. The Duke of Cornwall and York inspecting the guards’.

Text: September 15th [HMS] Quail arrived 11am. I left in her at 1 30 and proceeded to Maheaux Roads. No sign of Ophir very foggy. Governor General also came out in Acadia. At 7 30pm Indefatigable arrived. Reported Ophir anchored 17 miles down. We returned to Quebec having sent mails to Indefatigable. September 16th Very fine day, strong wind, Ophir escorted by [HMS] Diadem [1896], Niobe [1897], Indefatigable and Tribune arrived about 10 15. Fine sight. Official landing of H.R.H.’s at noon. State dinner at citadel in evening. Illuminations afterwards. [In 1901, the Duke and Duchess of York undertook a voyage of the British Empire on board the Orient ship Ophir temporarily commissioned –see ‘The Royal Tour 1901’ by Harry Price].

Page 29: Title: Quebec.
Photograph 99: ‘Distribution of medals after Review on Plains of Abraham’. [Royal party and dignitaries sitting in pavilion. Soldiers to the right queuing to receive their medals].
Photograph 100: ‘The Arch at the Provincial Parliament Building’.
Photograph 101; ‘Fleet at Quebec’. Proserpine, Psyche, Crescent, Ophir, Tribune, Indefatigable, Pallas, Diadem, Niobe.
Text: September 17th Review on Plains of Abraham. We landed 400 seamen and 100 marines. Rained in torrents. Lunch at Lieutenant Governors at Spencerwood. Dinner on board Ophir. Illuminations. September 18th Indefatigable and Psyche left at 1 40am for Montreal. Former got onshore at Chaudiere about 6 miles up, floated off with rising tide. Tribune and Psyche proceeded to Montreal. Royal Party left at 9 45am. Indefatigable rather seriously damaged getting her ready for docking.

Page 30: Title: Quebec
Watercolour 102: ‘The Wharves. Early Morning’ [view from across the harbour showing buildings and steamships to the right]. Text: September 19th Indefatigable docked. September 21st Ophir and Diadem left for Halifax. September 24th Left at 11am. 25th. Blowing hard from N. Ship rolling heavily; made 383’ at noon.

Page 31: Title: Halifax
Photograph 103: ‘British Fleet Halifax, Nova Scotia October 1901’. HMS Ophir (Royal Yacht), Diadem, Tribune, Crescent, Psyche, Pallas, Niobe, Prosperine. Indefatigable. Text: Squadron assembled to do honour to their Royal Highnesses. September 26th Entered Gut of Canso 12 15am (moonlight). Off Halifax in morning. Firing at target all forenoon. Made fast to buoy at 4pm.

Page 32: Title: Halifax
Photograph 104: HMS Ophir at anchor.
Photograph 105: ‘Enthusiastic crowd’. [Slightly out of focus photograph showing army officers on horses riding past onlookers presumably waiting for arrival of Duke and Duchess of York].
Photograph 106: ‘Bluejackets mustering for review in Dockyard’.
Photograph 107: A horse drawn carriage driving past onlookers at dockyard.
Photograph 108: HMS Ophir at moorings.
Photograph 109: ‘Review on the Common’.

Page 33: St John’s Newfoundland.
Photograph 110: Royal Party leaving HMS Ophir. Onlookers on surrounding buildings.
Photograph 111: [HMS] Diadem, Crescent and Prosperine illuminated at night.
Photograph 112: ‘Fishing schooners’.
Photograph 113: ‘Waiting. Newfoundland R.N.R.[sailors on parade and onlookers waiting for Royal Party].

Page 34: Title: Halifax and Newfoundland.
Watercolour 114: ‘Sunset October 21st [painted] from [HMS] Crescent’. Shows [HMS] Diadem, Ophir, Prosperine and Niobe steaming towards [HMS] Crescent.
Watercolour 115: ‘St John’s harbour. [HMS] Diadem and Niobe. Account of movements of [HMS] Ophir and squadron between October 21st and October 25th.

Page 35: Title; St Johns, Newfoundland.
Watercolour 116: ‘The Niobe leaving harbour October 25th. Daybreak. [View of Niobe steaming out of harbour. A vessel with red sails in the foreground being towed by a rowing boat.
Photograph 117: HMS Ophir underway.
Photograph 118: HMS Ophir homeward bound 15 knots October 25th.

Page 36: Title: Louisburg. Cape Breton Island.
Photograph 119: ‘Natives in bomb proof shelter’. [Three young women standing at entrance to a cave]
Photograph 120: ‘Ruined casemates’.
Watercolour 121: ‘Wrecks near Cape Ballard, Newfoundland. Kebo and Lusitania [Elder Dempster cargo ship launched 1871 and wrecked 26th June 1901 –both vessels run up on shore]
Photograph 122: ‘Monument’ [column on top of which is a ball].
Photograph 123: [HMS] Niobe.

Page 37: Title: Halifax.
Photograph 124: [HMS] Propserpine at Quebec.
Photograph 125: ‘Dockyard’ [Halifax]
Photograph 126; ‘Admiralty House. Winter’. Text: October 28th Arrived Halifax 9 30am. [HMS] Crescent went out again and returned late firing. November 9th Started for Bermuda at 4 30pm Numbers of people saying goodbye. Very fine on starting. [HMS] Indefatigable left in dock.

Page 38: Title: Halifax.
Watercolour 127: ‘Williams Lake, NS’. [in the foreground two men in a canoe on the lake at sunset]

Page 39: Title: Halifax to Bermuda
Photograph 128: Whaler hanging over side of HMS Crescent in rough seas.
Photograph 129: View of deck, HMS Crescent in rough seas.
Photograph 130: ‘Whaler nearly gone’’
Photograph 131: View of whaler hanging over side of HMS Crescent in rough seas. Text: After a very boisterous and unpleasant passage arrived at Bermuda November 12th 9am.
Watercolour 132: ‘Entrance to Admiralty House grounds’.

Page 40: Title: Halifax to Bermuda.
Photograph 133: ‘A curly one’. [view of whaler on HMS Crescent]
Photograph 134: HMS Crescent in a gale.
Photograph 135: ‘The officers were alarmed’ [five officers on deck of HMS Crescent].
Photograph 136: HMS Crescent in a gale [deck scene]
Photograph 137: HMS Crescent in a gale [deck scene]
Photograph 138: HMS Crescent in a gale [deck scene showing muzzle of gun poking out of protective covering].
Watercolour 139: ‘The Guard Room, Admiralty House, Bermuda.

Page 41: Title: Bermuda
Watercolour 140: ‘Full moon. Christmas night’ [a view of the moon over the sea framed by trees]
Watercolour 141: ‘The cove from verandah at east end of Admiralty House’. Text: January 2nd Left Bermuda for the West Indies [HMS] Psyche in company.

Page 42: Title: St Kitt’s. 1902..
Watercolour 142: ‘View from the cricket ground, St Kitt’s’ [a view of the bay with two ships ?HMS Crescent and Psyche.
Watercolour 143: ‘Mount Misery, St Kitt’s’.
Watercolour 144: ‘Nevis –daybreak 7.1.02’.

Page 43: Title: St Kitt’s –Antigua.
Photograph 145: ‘Monkey Hill, St Kitt’s’ [view from the sea].
Watercolour 146: ‘Sandy Island, Anitgua’ [with lighthouse]. Text describing movements of HMS Crescent between January 11th –January 14th 1902.

Page 44: Title: Barbados.
Photograph 147: ‘Boys diving for money’.
Photograph 148: ‘The Careenage, Barbados’[small boats in harbour and harbour buildings]
Photograph 149: ‘Earthenware seller’ [small boy carrying tray of pots on his head].
Photograph 150: ‘Road leading to Government House, Barbados’. Text: Dominica-Barbados. January 15th Anchored in Prince Rupert’s Bay, Dominica early. Buzzard arrived 2 30pm. [HMS] Alert here. Pulling regatta in afternoon, also afternoon of 16th. January 17th Weighed at 11am. January 18th Arrived Barbados 10 30am.

Page 45: Title: Barbados.
Photograph 151: ‘Letter Carrier, Barbados [postman].
Photograph 152: ‘Carlisle Bay’ [view over the roof tops to the bay].
Watercolour 153: ‘Needham Point’[shows lighthouse and signal station]. Text: January 22nd My cup sailed for, won by Flag Captain. January 23rd Sailing regatta.

Page 46: Title: Barbados to St Kitt’s.
Watercolour 154: ‘’Redonda’ [desert island –view from sea].
Watercolour 155: ‘Dawn off St Lucia’ [view of the coastline from the sea]
Watercolour 156: ‘Towing Target Practice off St Lucia January 27th [ships are depicted firing guns at target] Text records movements of HMS Crescent between January 26th –January 28th 1902.

Page 47: Title: Martinique.
Photograph 157: ‘Statue of Queen Hortense’ [Hortense de Beauharnais, Queen Consort of Holland 1783-1837]
Photograph 158: ‘General view of town of Fort of France’.
Photograph 159: ‘Town water supply’.

Page 48: Title: Fort de France.
Photograph 160: ‘Creek running through town. ‘Cecille’ showing’ [French cruiser Amiral Cecille launched 1888 –distant view].
Photograph 161: ‘Clarence Cove [view across the bay].
Photograph 162: ?Clarence Cove.
Photograph 163: HMS Crescent [1892] in dock.
Photograph 164: ‘Admiralty House’ [distant view through the trees].
Photograph 165: ‘Government House, Spring Field, St Kitt’s’. Text: January 27th Passed Martinque. January 28th Arrived at St Kitt’s. Left in evening for Bermuda. February 2nd Arrived at Bermuda.. Clearing [HMS] Crescent out. February 15th [HMS] Crescent docked.

Page 49: Title: Bermuda.
Watercolour 166: ‘Admiralty House, Ireland Island in the distance’.

Page 50: Title: Bermuda.
Watercolour 167: ‘On the South Shore 11.3.02’ [view of beach and rocks].
Photograph 168: ‘Admiralty House’ [distant].
Photograph 169: ‘The Lawn’ [Admiralty House].
Watercolour 170: ‘From the pier, Clarence Cove’.
Photograph 171: ‘Road to house from [Clarence] cove’.
Photograph 172: ‘Drive, Admiralty House’.

Page 51: Title: Bermuda.
Photograph 173: Flag Lieutenant [unidentified].
Photograph 174: ‘Fragrant Front Street. Onion season in full swing’ [view of dockside buildings with horses and carts being loaded with crates of onions].
Photograph 175: ‘At Prospect. D.S.O [Distinguished Service Order Parade] 11.3.02. [Fort Prospect was the headquarters of the British Army in Bermuda] In the foreground Admiral and Lady Bedford.
Photograph 176: View of Hamilton, Bermuda from across the bay showing Hamilton hotel, cathedral and public buildings.

Page 52: Title: Bermuda.
Photograph 177: ‘Entrance Gate’ [couple at gate with bicycle]
Photograph 178: ‘Secretary’s Cottage’.
Photograph 179: ‘Road past Admiralty House’.
Watercolour 180: ‘Entrance to tunnel leading to kitchen garden’.
Photograph 181: ‘Admiralty House’.
Photograph 182: ‘Secretary’s cottage’.
Photograph 183: ‘Entrance’ [to Admiralty House].

Page 53: Title: Bermuda.
Photograph 184: ‘Dam built across ends of dock to enable it to lift [HMS] Crescent from inside’.
Photograph 185: ‘Dam from outside, bow view’. Text: Account of work undertaken on HMS Crescent between February 15th –April 15th after her grounding at Antigua.

Page 54: Title: Bermuda.
Photograph 186: ‘Mr Mitchell Chief Constructor, Mr Worthington, Assistant Constructor, Mr Allman, Diver’ [and four unidentified men –all in floating dock].
Photograph 187: ‘A close fit under bridge’ [showing bow of HMS Crescent under bridge in floating dock. Text: summary of work carried out on HMS Crescent]. (Repro ID: L5812-002)

Page 55: Title: Bermuda.
Watercolour 188: ‘At Spanish Point’[two small boats in foreground].
Photograph 189: ‘Onboard the Thistle, New York Yacht Squadron [Colonel Appleton, Admiral [Bedford], Misses Geary, Lady Geary, Mr Pulteney Bigelow,, Miss Bedford, Lt Geary, Mr Todd (owner).
Photograph 190: view of yacht Thistle dressed overall.
Watercolour 191: ‘The reefs from Wreck Hill 11.4.02 [view looking down onto the shore]. Watercolour of the plant acalifa has been painted onto the page of the album by Admiral Bedford.

Page 56: Title: Bermuda.
Watercolour 192: ‘Sketched in the grounds, Admiralty House’[view of bay with tree in the foreground. On the left hand corner - a watercolour of oleanders].

Page 57: Title: Bermuda.
Photograph 193: ‘View from Gibbs Hill’ [view looking across houses to bay].
Watercolour 194: ‘Life Plant. The flower’.
Photograph 195: Flag Lieutenant –unidentified. See page 51.
Photograph 196: ‘Cedars. Tennis court at Admiralty House’.
Photograph 197: ‘Lilies’ [close-up of flower bed of lilies].
Watercolour 198: ‘Life Plant’.

Page 58: Title: Bermuda.
Watercolour 199: ‘Ruins on Castle Island’ [view of ruins of stone fortifications which date from 1612]
Photograph 200: ‘Crossing to Castle Island’ [Admiral Bedford’s party in boat].
Watercolour 201: ‘Goat Island from Castle Island’.
Photograph 202: ‘The boat is quite ready, ladies’ [unidentified man helping ladies onto a boat]

Page 59
Watercolour 203: ‘View of Castle Harbour from Tucker town 17.4.02’ [painted onto page of album]
Photograph 204: ‘Club house –Garrison Links’.
Photograph 205: ‘Mrs Grove at Garrison Links’.
Watercolour 206: ‘Natural Arch –Castle Island’.

Page 60: Title: Bermuda.
Watercolour 207: ‘Kitchen Garden, Admiralty House after the storm of April 21st. The sketch and photographs were taken after the water had subsided a good deal’.
Photograph 208: Kitchen Garden after the storm of April 21st.
Photograph 209: Kitchen Garden after the storm of April 21st.
Watercolour 210: ‘Boilers [?hot springs] near Warwick camp’ [training camp for garrison].
Photograph 211: ‘Boilers [?hot springs] near Tuckers Town. Miss Curtoys and Captain McGill perfectly calm’.

Page 61: Title: Bermuda.
Watercolour 212: ‘Stokes Bay near Tuckers Farm 10.5.02’ [view of bay with small sailing vessel].
Photograph 213: ‘Natural Arch –Tuckers Town’.
Watercolour 214: ‘Near Tuckers Town’[a cottage near the water’s edge with a small sailing veseel].
Watercolour 215: ‘Natural Arch, Tuckers Town looking seaward 10.5.02’.

Page 62: Title: Bermuda..
Photograph 216: ‘A roadside in May’ [man in donkey cart on the road].
Photographs 217 & 218: ‘Drawing room, Admiralty House’.
Watercolour 219: ‘Clerk’s Cottage’ [view of cottage and garden with sea in the background].
Photograph 220: Woman standing at entrance to house [?Admiralty House].

Page 63: Title: Bermuda.
Watercolour 221: ‘Riddles Bay, near Gibbs Hill lighthouse’.
Photograph 222: ‘From the cave’[man and woman in rowing boat at entrance to cave].
Photograph 223: ‘Flag Lieutenant [Philip Streatfeild] and understudy’.
Watercolour 224: ‘On the road to Spanish Point’ [cottage in the foreground, sea in the background].
Photograph 223: ‘Freda’ [woman in summer dress and hat]
Photograph 224: ‘Arthur’ [Lt Streatfeild’s understudy wearing summer uniform [possibly Arthur E F Bedford –Admiral Bedford’s son - but only sub lieutenant on HMS Crescent in 1902 –see pages 51 and 57].

Page 64
Photograph 225: Memorial to Nova Scotians killed in South African war –possibly unveiling of the memorial on June 26th 1902 as a large crowd is gathered and union flag is flying from building on left.
Photograph 226: ‘Clarence Cove’ [panoramic view].
Photograph 227: ‘Cups won by [HMS]Crescent during commission’.
Photograph 228: ‘In memory of Nova Scotians who were killed in South Africa [view of memorial unveiled June 26th 1902].
Photograph 229: ‘Bedford Basin Halifax [aerial view].

Page 65
Photograph 230: ‘Homeward Bound’[view of HMS Crescent underway]. (Repro ID: L5812-003)
Photograph 231: ‘HMS Crescent Officers and Ship’s Company 1901’.

Photocopy 232 [loose in brown envelope]: Family group - Admiral Bedford, Lady Bedford, Freda Bedford (daughter), unidentified man and woman. Photocopy of photograph.
Photocopy 233: Family group –Denham Bedford, son (later Read Admiral D.M.T. Bedford), Arthur Bedford, son (later Vice Admiral A.E.G. Bedford), Lady Bedford, ?Mrs Gordon Bedford [Admiral Bedford’s mother], unidentified woman, ? Freda Bedford, Admiral Sir F.G. D. Bedford. Photocopy of photograph.
Photocopy 234: Swiss Cottage, Weybridge. Admiral Bedford’s home on his retirement. [Arts and Crafts house] Photocopy of photograph.
Photocopy 235: Swiss Cottage, Weybridge. Admiral Bedford’s home on his retirement. Photocopy of photograph.

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