Along with daily ship positions, the log contains details of the capture of various slave ships beginning with the HENRIQUETA. Renamed BLACK JOKE, entries explain the vessel was taken into service as a tender to HMS SYBILLE in December 1827.

A table entitled "List of Slave Vessels captured by H. M. S. Sybille & Tender from May 1827 to May 1829" indicates a total of 16 ships and 3970 enslaved Africans. There is an account of the language used by some slaves, entitled “Accou Language used by Slaves from the Kingdoms of Haysa & Hio: generally taken in vessels from Whydah and Badapry” and consisting of a list of phrases and the English translation.

There are entries regarding the famous action between BLACK JOKE and the Spanish slave ship EL ALMIRANTE, wherein the latter vessel was captured. These include a list of the officers and crew on board BLACK JOKE during the action and a description of the damage the vessel sustained. Downes provides two transcriptions of letters between himself, Collier and the Admiralty in regards to the capture of EL ALMIRANTE as well as one between the Captain of EL ALMIRANTE and his Mate. An account of the action is included entitled “Memoranda. Observations and Information collected from Crew of "El Almirante" after the action" followed by a song commemorating the bravery of the BLACK JOKE’s crew entitled "Song by Thomas Eason one of the Black Joke's crew on 1 Feb 1829". A table entitled "Specimen of slave trade by Spanish brig EL ALMIRANTE at Sagos commencing August 25 28" lists' types of slaves' / enslaved peoples and socalled 'values in dollars'.

At the back on the log are Captain Collier's Orders to the Officers of the Sybille [written in a different hand, possibly Collier's], signed T. Collier with one dated 14 May 1827 and the second dated 12 September 1827.

One of the loose leaves appears to be part of the song by Thomas Eason and the other is a pricing list for stock.

Object Details

ID: LOG/N/41
Type: Manuscript
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Downes, Henry
Date made: 1827-04-20 -; 1827-04-20 - 05-1829 1827-04-20 - 12-1829 1827-04-20 - 1829-12
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: 1 volume, 2 loose leaves
Parts: Royal Navy: Logs (Manuscript)