Essential Information

Type Talks and tours
Date and Times Friday 8 March 2024 | 9.30am - 10am

To officially kick off British Science Week, which in 2024 has the theme of 'Time', the Royal Observatory Greenwich will host an extra-special morning assembly led by our Curator of Time Emily Akkermans, featuring special guest The Dad Lab!

We’ll take primary school students across the UK on a journey exploring the origins of telling the time, and how time-telling instruments have evolved.

We’ll also find out what solutions inventors and innovators of the past came up with to measure time, help navigators at sea, and standardise time – ensuring people in and across communities were using the same or similar time.

Register for the free live stream here

British Science Week's 'The Live Assembly' event is supported by Illumina

What’s On

See more British Science Week events at Royal Museums Greenwich.


About British Science Week

British Science Week is a ten-day celebration held every year in March, with thousands of events running throughout the UK celebrating science, engineering, technology and maths.

The theme for 2024 is 'Time'. From the mysteries of time travel to caring for historic clocks, Greenwich is the perfect place to explore the science and significance of time. The Royal Observatory Greenwich is proud to partner with the British Science Association to celebrate 30 years of British Science Week. 

Find more events taking place around the UK and download free activity packs on the British Science Week website.