Nine letters to and from John Marshall 1812.

One letter dated 2 March 1807 HMS Culloden Bombay Harbour to William Phillip esq about passing his Lieutenant's exam and has been an acting lieutenant on Captain Edward Pellew ship. He thanks Mr Roberts for recommending him to Edward and thanks his father and his family for their support and acknowledges how fortunte he is in the paternity his father shows him. Talks about a battle with the Dutch were one man was killed and another four or five wounded. Signed as Your affectionate and dutiful ward; Letter HMS Aboukin 26 April 1812 to William Phillips Esq. includes news of sailing to the Baltic; worries over whether he will be promoted as it depends on a certain gentleman being a member of parliament. He is not comfortable on the Aboukir and feels estrange from the Admiral; Letter written on board HMS ALBOUKIR to Major General Wilden about Marshall's application for admiralty; Letter to William Phillips Esq , HMS ALBOUKIR arrival at Gollenburg includes details of joining a convoy of 160 ships heading to the Baltic includes details of Napoleaons army and awaits the fate of Russia; Letter to William Phillips written on Port Riga in a Imperial British and Russian Flotilla; a quick letter about the Prussian Army of 7000 men attacking the Russians who had to retreat with the British and Russian gun boats protecting them; a general Memo Signed by Rear Admiral T B Martin HMS ALBOUKIR, about Captain Stewart reporting the good conduct of the officers and men under his orders specifically the Lieutenants Kyle, Marshall, Duncan Ormond and Kinge the Petty Officer; Letter to William Phillips Esq , HMS ALBOUKIR includes details plans of Navy Battle, the combined Flottila of Russian and British and Napoleons Army and Navy; a letter on HMS ALBOUKIR off the coast of Prussia includes details of the Swedes landing 20,000 men to join Russian's 30,000 men in Prussia to create a diversion that has not happened due to lask of transport and cost to get he men there and a letter on HMS ALBOUKIR at the Downs after Admiral Martin received orders to return to England as the Admiral's wife is dangerously ill.

Record Details

Item reference: MSH/2/1; MS1976/109 MSS/76/109
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1807-1812
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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