Five letters to and from John Marshall in 1813.

A series of letters to and from John Marshall during 1813 including a letter with details of the French Army in Germany August 1813; a letter to Sir Thomas Bishop about the late Captain Lambert 20 November 1813; a letter to William Phillips informing him that he has taken command of HMS SHAMROCK and sailed to Glückstadt and communicating with Count StrogaNovember the Russian Minister 13 December 1813; A letter to William Phillips about the situation at Glückstadt and the location of Danish gun boarts, this letter also contains a copy of a letter to Captain A Farquhar 20 December 1813; A letter about the battles and fights off Stor River which feeds onto the Elbe also mentions an armstist between the Crown Prince and the Prince

Record Details

Item reference: MSH/2/2; MS1976/109 MSS/76/109
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1813
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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