Uncatalogued: photograph and xerox copy of share certificate issued to Richard Goodridge, 1836.

Thames Steam Towing Co. established in 1833 includes photograph and xerox copy of a share certificate issued to Richard Goodridge in 1836. The printed certificate stating the company was established in 1833 is headed by an engraved vignette showing a merchant ship being towed up the Thames by one of the company's tugs being the initials TSTC on the paddlebox. The share allocation dated 1836 and signed individually by the company directors is in manuscript. Most famously, the company's tugs 'London' and 'Samson' were the two which towed the 'Fighting Temeraire' from Sheerness to John Beatson's wharf at Rotherhithe on 5-6 September 1838, for breaking up there. A tradition that the Watkins tug 'Monarch' did so is not supported by evidence: it might have helped manoeuvre the hulk onto Beatson's wharf but the towage payment in Beatson's ledger (Southwark Local History Collection) is solely to the TSTC.

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/81/105; MSS/81/105.0 MS1981/105
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1833; 1833-36 1836-01-01 - ?
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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