Uncatalogued: Turner, Percy Frederick, Shipowner, 1878-1926

Annual report, 1923-1924 (2 copies); Rules of the Baltic and White Sea Conference; annual report, 1922; annual report, 1923; outlined reports from some of the principal British coal ports on port facilities, 1924; Ministry of Shipping Minute Paper and other related papers, with P. F. Turner's handwritten comments circa 1917; NEWCASTLE DAILY CHRONICLE, 24 December 1918, with the account of the surrender of the German Fleet with associated papers and press cuttings; menu card for a dinner to foreign members of Baltic and White Sea Conference, Savoy Hotel, 9 May 1921 (2 copies) and list of those attending; Swedish Shipowners Association dinner, 20 January 1923; RM and Co. Ltd. dinner, 1 January 1915; Sveriges Angfartygs Assurans Forening menu and seating plan, circa 1922; menu card- Norwegian, 17 August 1910; Baltic and White Sea Conference menu, 9 April 1913; several other menu cards for the Conference dinners, 1921-1924; 1 file of papers connected with P. F. Turner's work at the Ministry of Shipping, the Shipping Commission andt the surrender of the German Fleet; German Prize court cases; an extract from a minute of a meeting of the War Cabinet, 18 November 1918; 1 oversize folder containing a photo of the Baltic and White Sea Conference Banquet, Hotel Metropole, 7 May 1914 and a photo of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Luncheon, Hotel Cecil, 8 May 1914. Please contact archive staff for more information about ordering from this collection.

Administrative / biographical background
Turner was born in Hackney, Middlesex, in 1878. He followed his father into the shipping profession and was admitted as a partner in the London firm of Turner, Brightman & Co. in 1908. During the First World War he acted as personal assistant to Sir Joseph P. Maclay, the Minister of Shipping (or Shipping Controller), and for these services was awarded the Order of the British Empire (CBE). Turner was involved in several shipping associations and conferences. He was a director of the Baltic and White Sea Conference, and was on the Documentary Committee of the Chamber of Shipping. He was a delegate at the first meeting of the International Shipping Conference which took place in London in 1921. He was elected as a member of the Baltic Exchange in 1925. Turner died in the Marylebone area of London in 1926.

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/81/141; MS1981/141
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Date made: 1910-1926
Creator: Turner, Percy Frederick
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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