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Ferries of Scandinavia : the Baltic sea and the Nordic lands. "The Scandinavian region is one of the most fascinating regions in the world for shipping. Blessed by breath-taking scenery and stunning, historical cities, it plays host to a vast number of modern, well-appointed, technologically advanced and environmentally friendly vessels that set the standard for the ferry industry worldwide. Sea-faring has been at the heart of Scandinavian culture for millenia and many contemporary shipping companies have become industry leaders of world renown. Of particular importance to the Scandinavian economies are the passenger, car and freight ferry operations that link ports great and small across the major waterways: the Baltic Sea, the Kattegat and Skaggerak, the North Sea and the North Atlantic. During the second half of the twentieth century, the companies behind these services invested in a series of every more lavish vessels that resulted in the Baltic cruiseferry becoming a byword for luxury and entertainment. This trend has continued into the twenty-first century, with superlative vessels such as the Viking Grace and the Megastar setting new travel standards for the contemporary traveller. The ferries of Scandinavia offer a extraordinarily diverse travel experience. Giant cruiseferries sail overnight between the major capitals whilst more functional ro-pax and freight vessels keep the wheels of commerce turning between the nations. Smaller, coastal ferries maintain essential lifelines for countless islands and small communities. The Scandinavian ferry industry has never been in finer health than it is today, with ongoing investment in new fleets transforming the travel experience once again. This is the story of the Ferries of Scandinavia and how they have become the greatest ferry fleet the world has ever seen."--Provided by the publisher. 2018. • FOLIO • 1 copy available. txt
Christmas in Archangel : a memoir of life in the merchant navy 1939 - 1946 /Ivan Hall "The author went to sea at the age of sixteen in Jan.1939. He describes the everyday life, work and routine aboard the Saint Merriel, a cargo ship trading between Europe and the ports of South America. The various characters on board who taught the young apprentice the skills of seamanship are brought to life. Subsequently he learned the art of navigation and the duties of a deck officer. Then came the war. On the second day a ship was sunk twenty miles astern of them, at a position they had passed through two hours previously. The crews now had to learn to keep station in convoy and how to operate armaments and new defensive weapons (some quite absurd). They faced the dangers of mines, submarines, aircraft and surface raiders. Home on leave he met Edna who was to become his wife of fifty nine years. Sent on one of the early Arctic convoys taking munitions to the USSR, his ship became frozen in at Archangel for the duration of the Russian winter of 1941/42. Upon becoming qualified as a watch keeping officer, he sailed on a succession of 'replacement' ships, to the invasions of North Africa, Sicily, Italy and the South of France. "Canada and the USA built replacement ships for us, both to a similar design. Their names had the prefixes Fort and Ocean. There is a tendency to denigrate these ships as being quickly built, cheap and nasty. They were nothing of the kind. (Built using revolutionary methods there were bound to be a few problems). These ships saved the free world; it's as simple as that." When the European War ended he married Edna and they lived in Liverpool for a few weeks while he took the examinations for First Mate. Edna was pregnant when he joined a small tanker at Falmouth as navigating officer. Although Japan had by this time surrendered they set sail for the Far east and got as far as Colombo before being stalled and sent back to the UK."--Provided by the publisher. 2009 • BOOK • 1 copy available. 92HALL, IVAN