Hull Specification for Armada (1943), Barfleur (1943), Cadiz (1944), Camperdown (1944), Finisterre (1944), Gabbard (1945), Gravelines (1944), Hogue (1944), Lagos (1944), St James (1945), St Kitts (1944), Saintes (1944), Sluys (1945), Solebay (1944), Trafalgar (1944), Vigo (1945)
132 page specification building and completing Battle class Flotilla Leader or Destroyer of the 1942 Programme: Armada (1943), Barfleur (1943), Cadiz (1944), Camperdown (1944), Finisterre (1944), Gabbard (1945), Gravelines (1944), Hogue (1944), Lagos (1944), St James (1945), St Kitts (1944), Saintes (1944), Sluys (1945), Solebay (1944), Trafalgar (1944), Vigo (1945).
Armada, Barfleur, St James, Saintes, Solebay and Trafalgar were fitted as Flotilla Leaders.
Part 1 B - Hull - General
Armada, Barfleur, St James, Saintes, Solebay and Trafalgar were fitted as Flotilla Leaders.
Part 1 B - Hull - General