Essential Information

National Maritime Museum

04 Oct 2013

October's Item of the month is a look inside the Dreadnought Seaman's Hospital. Katy looks at the founding of the Admiralty hospital, when it first came ashore in the late nineteenth century and then delves into the Admissions Registers for 1915 to see what they can tell us about medical treatment of soldiers and sailors during the first year of the Great War. Complete with indexes by surname, the Hospital records (DSH in the Archive catalogue) cover the period 1826 to 1977 and can be a valuable source to check if you had a naval ancestor who was treated for illness or injury in the course of their duties.  Do be aware however that Data Protection Legislation applies to some of these records where they refer to people who may still be living. Enquiries should be made to to Archive staff in the Caird Library.