Uncatalogued: Union-Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd

Seven files relating to the Union-Castle Line vessels.

Passenger liner EDINBURGH CASTLE (1948): Stability Particulars
Passenger/cargo liner PENDENNIS CASTLE (1958): Ship’s Particulars Book and Stability Particulars
Cargo liner SOUTHAMPTON CASTLE (1965): Stability Particulars
Passenger liner TRANSVAAL CASTLE (1961): Ship Particulars Book
Passenger liner WINDSOR CASTLE (1960): Ship Particulars Book and Stability Particulars

Administrative / biographical background
During this period the Union-Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd was managed by Cayzer, Irvine & Co Ltd and formed part of the British & Commonwealth Shipping Co Ltd.

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/78/148; MSS/78/148.0 MS1978/148
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Extent: 1 box
Date made: 1948-1975
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London