Uncatalogued: Williams, Dr. C. R. MacGregor, Fl.1922-1954

Correspondence, letters, pamphlets, draft of book, certificates and associated material, much of it concerning the 'McGregor Williams method of life saving'. Among the documents are letters from the Admiralty, the War Office, Downing St and the Royal Life Saving Society, dated 1922 to 1954.

Administrative / biographical background
McGregor Williams was an assistant master at Varndean school, Brighton. In 1922 he discovered a method of life saving when he rescued two boys from drowning in Brills Baths at Brighton. He offered his Life Saving Grip, a simple method of cupping the hand around the victim's chin, to the Royal Life Saving Society in 1923 but it was not adopted. In 1939-40, Dr Williams offered his Grip to the Royal Navy. After extensive trials it was taken up and appeared subsequently in Admiralty Fleet Orders for 1940. The Army and the RAF followed suit and the Royal Life Saving Society also adopted Dr William's Grip in 1940. The method is credited with having saved many lives, especially during the war years. Dr Williams died in 1954.

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/78/083
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Date made: 1922-1954; 1954-01-01 - ?
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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