Volume of documents relating to Prince Rupert's Fleet, 1648-52: extracted out of a Booke written by a servant to his Highnesse Prince Rupert, 1648-50.
Volume of documents relating to Prince Rupert's Fleet, 1648-52: extracted out of a Booke written by a servant to his Highnesse Prince Rupert, 1648-50; proceedings of the Royalist Fleet, 31 January-7 April 1652; extracted out of a journal kept ... of the Princes owne ship, 1651-52.
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Record Details
Item reference: | AND/45 |
Catalogue Section: | Artificial collections previously assembled |
Level: | ITEM |
Date made: | 1648-1650 |
Credit: | National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London |
- Naval Estimates - a complete account of the Navy during the reign of William and Mary, 1688-1705. (Manuscript) (AND/1)
- Account of Docks at Portsmouth, 1698. (Manuscript) (AND/2)
- Volume of transcripts from Pepysian Library, n.d. (Manuscript) (AND/3)
- Volume of transcripts from Pepysian Library, n.d. (Manuscript) (AND/4)
- Journal of Sir George Rooke, Feb 1703. (Manuscript) (AND/5)
- Letterbook of Captain Norris, 1733-42. (Manuscript) (AND/6)
- Journal de la fregate la COURAGEUSE .... et journal de VAISSEAU le DUBOIX, par le citoyen A.P. Dagdé ensigne vaisseau, 1798. (Manuscript) (AND/7)
- Letterbook of Commandere Curtis Barnett, 1744-46. (Manuscript) (AND/8)
- Letterbook of Commissioner at Chatham, 1670; warrants for the clerk of the cheque. (Manuscript) (AND/9)
- Letterbook, part of the Pettigrew collection of Nelson papers, 1793-1841. (Manuscript) (AND/10)
- Letterbook, part of the Pettigrew collection of Nelson papers, 1793-1841. (Manuscript) (AND/11)
- Letter from Bonaparte to Admiral Ganteaume giving orders for the brig RIVOLY dated 11 Dec 1798, also part of Nelson's letter to Sir Thomas Trigge, Dec 1803. (Manuscript) (AND/12)
Showing 12 of 71 items