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Sons of Tubal-cain : a history of artificers in the Royal Navy 1868-2010 /John North. ''Sons of Tubal-Cain is a comprehensive history of the evolution of Artificers in the Royal Navy from the introduction of the Engine Room Artificer in 1868 right through to the last class of Artificers, to Pass Out from HMS Sultan in 2010. Told with anecdotes, memories and all sorts of stories from Artificers themselves in both war and peace, the book is narrated with humour and affection on the author?s part, as he was himself as an Artificer. This history follows the introduction of the different trades that the Royal Navy required as the technology became more sophisticated, with the introduction of the Electrical Artificer in 1901, the need for Ordnance Artificers and, strangely, the introduction of the Shipwright Artificer as the last trade to join in 1947. It includes the evolution of the Boy Artificer, Jackie Fisher?s ?Second to None? in 1903 through all the establishments associated with Artificers and the differing training regimes that changed over the years as the technical requirements of the ships in the fleet altered. There are many contributions from retired Artificers, serving Artificers and also from relatives of Artificers, going back as far as 1871, with many memories that show how engineering in the Royal Navy changed and what it required of its highly trained personnel during the past 150 years. The foreword has been supplied by the Chief Naval Engineer Officer, Rear Admiral Rick Thompson CBE.''--Provided by the publisher. 2019. • BOOK • 1 copy available. 359.98230941
Africans in English caricature 1769-1819 : black jokes, white humour /Temi Odumosu. Between 1769 and 1819 London experienced an unprecedented growth in the proliferation of texts and images in the popular sphere, engaging learned citizens in discussion and commentary on the most pressing social and political issues of the day. From the repeal of the Stamp Act to the French revolution, the local Westminster election or the abolition of the slave trade, these prints, political pamphlets, plays, novels and periodicals collaborated (sometimes intentionally) in critique, praise and assessment of the country's changing socio-economic climate. African people were a critical aspect of this world of images, and their presence conveyed much about the implications of travel, colonialism and slavery on the collective psyche. Whether encountered on the streets of the city, in opulent stately homes, or in tracts describing the horrors of the slave trade, the British paid attention to Africans (consciously or not), and developed a means of expressing the impact of these encounters through images. Scholarship has begun to interrogate the presence of Africans in British art of this period, but very little has been written about their place in visual and literary humour created in a metropolitan context. This book fills this scholarly lacuna, exploring how and why satirical artists both mocked and utilized these characters as subversive comic weaponry. [2017] • FOLIO • 1 copy available. 741.5/6942