Head and shoulders portrait of Tapihana
A head and shoulders portrait photograph of a Maori man, called Tapiana (Tapihana), in traditional patterned kaitaka pinned together at his right shoulder. He has three feathers in his hair above his right ear. A short handled hatchet is in his right hand, held at an angle across his chest.
The caption on the reverse of the carte de visit states: 'Tapiana. One of the rebel Maori chiefs in the Waikatos district. He was taken at Ta uranga [Tauranga fought in 1864] but escaped with 200 others from a hulk in which they were confined off the island of Kawau which belongs to Sir George Grey. He is now friendly and often comes in & makes a noise in Auckland. How brawny and large the hand is from wielding a club all his life as a “brave” – of course as a photo it must be true size.'
See ALB0373.73 for a full length portrait.
The caption on the reverse of the carte de visit states: 'Tapiana. One of the rebel Maori chiefs in the Waikatos district. He was taken at Ta uranga [Tauranga fought in 1864] but escaped with 200 others from a hulk in which they were confined off the island of Kawau which belongs to Sir George Grey. He is now friendly and often comes in & makes a noise in Auckland. How brawny and large the hand is from wielding a club all his life as a “brave” – of course as a photo it must be true size.'
See ALB0373.73 for a full length portrait.