Album of Carte de Visite relating to the New Zealand War (1845-1872) and portraits of numerous naval officers

Contents (plate number):
1. Grande Place Europeenne. Alexandrie. Annotation: “Hotel of the P&O. Co at Alexandria where the first of Egyptian wonders burnt on for by English [pods?] being [unreadable] in juice”
2. One of my loves at Cairo – Augt 3rd 1864 = . Annotation: “I visit a lovely creature returning from a fountain near Mehernet Abis tomb I groaned, gave 1 kick and 3 [unclear], she noticed me and with a snort was lost to my sight, spilling water as she went. Oh me!! Oh my eye!!! = “ [Colour image of woman standing with jug on her head.]
3. Market at Cairo. Annotation: “This is a picture of part of the Bazaar or market at Cairo – and this may represent a camel I saw loaded & kicking up “Bobs a dying” on the evening of my arrival Augt 2d/64. [Colour added to the photo.]
4. My Love at Cairo. August 3rd 1864 – Photographer: Desire & Co. (Royal & Aufiere photographes, de S.A.I.Ie Prince Napoleon. Cairo.) Annotation: “ For a lady (or woman) to be seen without a face cover-ing is great immodesty” and hence little is seen of the earthly [-?-] but their eyes.” [A woman standing completely covered apart from her eyes and hands.]
5. The Pier at Sandridge, Melbourne =. Photographer: C. Nettleton. (Prize Medallist, 19, Madeline Street, North Melbourne.) Negative no: A. 1066. Annotation: “I wish the birthday lines for March 19. 1866 where I was standing on the sands here in May 1865!” [Ships around pier] [Christina Robinson (nee Thompson) was born 19 March 1836, Kirkmaiden, Wigtown/Port Logan, Scotland]
6. Museum – Sydney. Photographer: J.H. Newman (53 South Head Road, Sydney.) Annotation: “I am sorry that I have not remembered the date (The other time we were at Sydney) when I first visited the museum – but I got this carte for you then = I was in it though only a few days ago to avoid a shower of rain – The entrance is through a white gate at the palings & then you enter the building through a garden of it - The road to Dr. Bennetts[?] is past this building - It faces “Hyde Park” & the open face is where the joets[?] are, that Dr. Kraft practises on with his [unreadable], as detailed.” The photo shows an outside view of a museum building.
7. Landing Place at Sydney N.S.W. Farm Cove. (Govt House 1864 - written across the bottom right corner of image.) Annotation: “One of the boats (that is Wherry Rapid) is “Brooks” - & there is one of the major dingys[sic] at the steps, with the 2 boys dressed in white - The cathedral building on the right in the foreground is “Fort Denison” & behind that is the almost palatial residence of the Governor whose grounds extend to the very edge of the flower gardens, fountains & birds –“
8. Rev of the C.C Church Sydney – H.S.W. Destroyed by fire May.1865. Photographer: J.H. Newman. Person standing outside church.
9. Auckland Harbour. Ships :”Esk”, “Curacoa” and “Miranda” (coal hulk), featured. Annotation: “The harbour of Auckland New Zealand – in the distance is a “North Shore” with the Dockyard! On the highest of the hills stands the signal staff.“
10. The Commodores home in foreground – Auckland New Zealand. Annotation: “A view of the harbour, mostly of the men of war anchorage, from the hill, by St. Paul’s church. Having gone up the hill from Wyn Yard pier as in view no.1, you turn round & this view is seen = The man of war on the left is the Esk & the other one with two funnels the Eclipse. A collier is discharging her cargo into the coal hulk from whence we feed our horses. Another M.S. on the left is the “Bombay”, put his masted in our gale when we were nearly wrecked off Wanganui; She is getting in a fresh set of spars = The hulk on the right is the one that was moored off Kawau with the 200 Maori prisoners, who all escaped no doubt with the perfect convenience of Sir Geo Grey!!
11. View No.1. A View in Auckland. N. Zealand = Annotation: “”Wynyard pier”, the landing place generally, of the men of wars boats. One has to walk up a steep hill at once to reach the town which is then on the right. The road to Parnell wing on the left. The highest of the houses (whose lower stories is hid by trees) is “the Commodores” – it stands on the right as one goes up the hill. The church is St. Pauls (Mr. Lloyds) but as there is no Cathedral the Bp: generally preaches there – -?- that the Bp: of Edinburgh’s church (whose you are) should be “St. Pauls”! - “Queen Point Wharf” can just be seen to the right of this picture = this view is taken from the road that by the seashore, goes to Parnell =” A man leans against the fence in foreground.
12. Wellington N. Zealand = A view of the harbour = Ships harboured.
13. Auckland. Photographer: G. W. Bishop. View of harbour featuring horse and carts and harbouring ships.
14. Queen Point Wharf Auckland New Zealand. Annotation. This is admirable. Near the back ground is seen “The North Shore” where the men of war have this small Dockyard arrangements, boats ship; sail & store zooms, RC Re man of war at anchor with his funnel up is Falcon . The interest attaching this view is that from having had a bad leg I did not land at Auckland till we bought up some troops from Tauranga; and on this [unreadable], I [unreadable] it, & first “landed” on “Queen Point Wharf” where the transport cartes were =
15. Mechanics Bay. Photographer: A. Rayner, late W.H. Reed (Shortland Street, Auckland, New Zealand)
16. Promising George – “His Excellency. Sir George Grey. K.C.B. Governor of New Zealand.
17. Major Gray A.D.C. Photographer: H. Webster (Queen Street, Auckland) Annotation: On board (with Sir Geo Grey) HMS Esk going to Wellington & returning to Auckland in March & April 1865. Major Grey in formal dress with sword.
18. Bishop Selwyn & Sir William Martin, Chief Justice of New Zealand. Photographer: H. Webster
19. Officers Of Navy. Photographer: J. Harris (83, Queen Street, Portsea). Negative no: 1067. Montage of officers, the Old Naval Academy and an image of an unidentified sailing 3 decker warship.
20. Auckland. Photographer: G.W. Bishop. Empty street lined with buildings with a lone horse and cart stands outside ‘Royal Hotel’. See 114.
21. St. Pauls Church. Photographer: A. Rayner. Auckland, New Zealand.
22. Mechanics Bay & Parnell
23. Auckland. Photographer: New Zealand Photographic Company. (Queen Street, Auckland, New Zealand )
24. Stern of a Maori War Canoe. Signed J.Y. Hayre. Print of a drawing. Maori man kneels in front of canoe by fire with a smoking pipe.
25. “Fulloon”. Photographer: H. Webster, 1864. Auckland. Head and shoulders portrait of a Maori Interpreter. Annotation: “Native Interpreter. Some time attached to H.M.S Miranda Captain Jenkins in the war in New Zealand 1863. Also attached to H.M.S Esk Captain Hamilton during the time ship was lying in the river Thames and when at Te Papa again on board H.M.S. Esk. Captain Ince 1865, when on the breaking out of Pai Marireism. She was detached on service out on the East coast = Barbarously murdered by the Pai Marires as he lay sick in his bed on board a schooner in the Bay of Plenty. Savage & Civilised our real life begins beyond.”
26. Fulloon., Native Interpreter = Photographer: H. Webster. On board H.M.S. Esk during that ship’s visit to The East Coast. April 1865. Full body portrait.
27. Outside view of building. Auckland. Photographer: H. Webster.
28. Waitangi Falls. Bay of Islands. New Zealand. Annotation: “ “Wai” means “water”. “ Tangi” is talk; or to speak more strictly, talk is emotional, full of force – hence “wai tanji” the water that is full of emotion = as we say water fall =” Print of drawing on painting.
29. Auckland. Photographer: G.W. Bishop. Street lined with shops, including ‘J. Elssie Tobacconist’ and possible town hall.
30. Auckland N. Zealand& view. Annotation: “Serving to show the mixture of wooden houses with the more substantial ones.” View overlooking town. Signs of ‘Cittos’s leather warehouse’ and ‘The Herald Office’ visible.
31. The Houses of Parliament Auckland. New Zealand. Annotation: “Built of wood solely in 1849 = It was on the grass here that you sat and talked with Albert of the strange events in his and my life that brought us side by side there -! Whilst so seated Luce passed and I introduced Albert to him as I think I told you =” Four people stand outside Houses of Parliament.
32. Photograph of ‘Websters Photographic Studio’ surrounded by ‘J. Mitchell Junction Store’ and ‘Hopkins Grant Medicle Hall’. Auckland.
33. Auckland New Zealand. Pitt Street. Photographer: H.Webster. Annotation: “Serving to show the way in which the buildings (mostly of woods) are mixed with a few houses of the wealthier people built of scoria or bluish stone found in the islands. The church is a dissenting chapel. I use an irishism[?].”
34. Waitotora River, Whanganui. Signed J.C. Hoyle. Copy of painting. Annotated: “This view will give you a good idea of the proximity of Sir D. Cameron's camp with the shore as we first saw it steaming along the coast when we took Sir. G. Grey down to Wellington the end of Feb – We sighted the camp after we had passed Patea (vide map) & before we were abreast of Whanganui – The steamer seen in the offing is supposed to be the Esk as this sketch from which this photo was struck off, was taken at the time. The Esk anchored at Patea, for the governor to communicate with Sir D. Cameron, not at the entrance to the Waitotora.”
35. Pa tu one [Patuone]. Timiti[?] Walkers brother. Photographer: C.F. Holmes (Queen Street, Auckland, NZ). Elderly Maori man sitting with spear in studio.
36. Te Toro. Photographer: E.S. Richards, based at Wellington N.Z. [Copy of drawing?] of Maori man with spear and feathers in hair.
37. The Eldest daughter of “Pipi”. Photographer: E.S. Richards. Annotation cont: “At School in Auckland, aged 18. You may remember that Pipi (which means Cockle) came up with us from Wellington after we had taken him from Patea or Wargannui when we were with the Gonernor Sir Geo Grey – Indeed it is the Governor who has caused them to be both educated. The position that Pipi now holds is that of “native minister” or what you may call it – all positions relating -?- particularly to the Maoris are sent through him. Miss. Pipi is very pretty. Pipi is proud of Miss. Pipi. Ah!”
38. Tapiana. One of the rebel Maori chiefs in the Waikatos district. He has taken at Ta uranga but escaped with 200 others from a hulk in which they were confined off the island of Kawau which belongs to Sir George Grey. He is now friendly and often comes in & makes a noise in Auckland. How brawny and large the hand is from wielding a club all his life as a “brave” – of course as a photo it must be true size.” Portrait of Maori man with an axe in his hand and feathers in his hair. See no.73 also.
39. Moses. Now a native teacher. Photographer: C.F. Holmes. Negative no: F6437 – 3. Head and shoulders portrait. Green ink added to earring and brooch.
40. Moses. Chief of Waikato = Negative no:F6437 – 5. Photographer is probably C.F. Holmes. A standing full body portrait, studio shot. Green ink added to knife, earring and brooch.
41. Te Wheoro. A Chief of Waikato = Photographer: G.W. Bishop (Auckland). Negative no: F6437 – 4. Portrait; head and shoulders.
42. This is what we have to deal with in New Zealand = Photographers: Swan & Wrigglesworth, Wellington and Napier (NZ). Portrait of a Maori man, in Maori dress, holding a rifle and standing with a uniformed white man. Taken indoors.
43. Patara Ngonge of the Ngatiawa Tribe, Taranaki Leader of the Hauhaus. Studio shot. A Maori man seated and dressed in European clothes.
44. “Morgan” Annotation: “A Chief of the Ngatikahungunu tribe – friendly natives = After the capture of Pah Puke Marireism he was taken down in H.M.S Esk from Waipon to Turanga with 200 of his braves to assist with the Colonial forces at an attack on the hau haus in that part. Vide map.” Seated portrait.
45. Obelisk Tauranga Cemetery surrounded by picket fence. Photographer: H. Webster.
46. Obelisk Tauranga Cemetery Tauranga Cemetery. Photographer: W.H. Reed, based at Shortland Street, Auckland, New Zealand. Memorial, with the following inscription: “In memory of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers Bugler & Privates of the 43rd Light Infantry who were killed or died of wounds received. April 29th 1864 at the attack on the Gate pa. Lieut. Colonel Henry J.P. Booth, Capt. Robert C. Glover, Capt. Charles R. Mure, Capt. Robert T. F. Hamilton, Capt. Edwin Utterton, Lieut. Frederick G. E. Glover, Ensign Charles J. Langlands.”
47.Obelisk Tauranga Cemetery. View of the memorial for the officers of the 43rd Light Infantry. Inscription noted on 46.
48. Shoreline. New Zealand. [Identified as Tauranga from Durham Record Office: Reference: D/DLI 7/409/9(273)].
49. Maori people and dogs gathered around a meeting hut'. Photographer: A. Rayner. Auckland, NZ.
50. Obelisk Tauranga Cemetery Graves and headstones featured.
51. A View of the country Wellington. N. Zealand. Annotated: “The object of this seemingly uninteresting view is to show the way in which the country houses are surrounded by bush & tangle of “scrub” as all small useless timber is called.”
52. Cemetery at Tauranga = Photographer: H. Webster. Annotation: “The graves of those who fell at the assault of the Gate Pah, 1864=” Mount Maunganui in background.
53. Grave of Commodore William Farquharson Burnett Esquire, erected by the officers of H.M. Ships under his command. Photographer: H. Webster.
54. Cemetery at Te Papa, Tauranga. Copy of a drawing. Annotation: “The ground in which those lie who fell in action, is a part of the cemetery at Te Papa formed by the missionary settlement. The apparent headstones are merely boards erected at the time of burial. The very prominent one is to the summery of all the men who fell, & the names are inscribed. The graves, coming from the palings are, 1st Capt. Hamilton “Esk”. 2nd Com. Hay. “Harrier”. 3rd Lieut. Hill. “Curacoa”. 4th Mr. Watts Primmer. “Miranda” = The ships in the distance by “Mongaauri”[Mount Maunganui] are “Esk” & “Harrier”.”
55. To Mika [Tomika] Te Mutu. Tauranga. Chief of the Ngarterangi [sic] tribe = Annotation: “What a mixture of savage & civilized life! The broad cloth clothes of a European and the tattooed face of a Maori!! Bought at “Holmes” – Auckland = April 17 – 1865 =” Head and shoulders portrait of Maori in European clothes.
56. Lieut. W.E. Mitchell H.M.S Esk. Killed. Annotation: “This was found in Jocks pocket at he time of his death & was given to me by Ettrick W. Creak, the master of the Esk. I have felt that you might like this (all crushed and tumbled as it is) of one of the Esks Lieuts killed in New Zealand – this has been in action.” Portrait.
57. Natives in front of a large fence or gate with totem pole over doorway. Photographer: A Rayner.
58. The Grave of Lieut. Mitchell H.M.S Esk. Photographer: H. Webster. Annotation: “In the cemetery at Auckland and Lieut. Mitchell was the only one shot up the Waipa river in a small steamer which was on a reconnoitre – fire was opened on the vessel from the shore. A crew got under the shelter of the bulwarks, but otherwise he could not leave the bridge & so got picked off. The stone beyond “Jocks grave” is to the wife of a Major Paul.” The headstone reads: “Erected by the officers Her Majesty’s ship “Esk” William Edward Mitchell Lieut. Royal Navy who died February 3rd 186_ [1864] of wound received in action aged 22.”
59. “Wharitutu” of Maketu – now a friendly chief = Portrait of elderly Maori man in traditional clothes. He is seated and indoors.
60. William Thompson and Sons. Maori man posing with his two sons. Annotation: “Extract from the Daily Southern Cross of December 18th 1865.; ‘We understand that William Thompson has recently been visited by an enterprising artist from Auckland, desirous of producing something new in the shape of a carte-de-visite of the Maori rangatira. On one picture he is presented as the leader of his forces, with rifle and equipments, and on another in a more peaceful attitude – reading a Bible. A third view presents him surrounded by his friends, Messrs. Firth, Graham, and Dr. Sam, with a Pai Marire leader in the foreground. The pictures were taken at Waiarikiki, on the banks of the Waiho, or Upper Thames, by Mr. C. H. Monkton.’ I saw the photos above mentioned + put some of them for keeps. The one with the rifle would interest – but his “reading the bible” in a carte is a mockery. I purify this by showing his two sons – In the future to be ruling members amidst [unreadable]” “Rangatira means Chieftain”
61. Portrait of a tattooed elderly Maori man, wearing European clothes. Side profile, head and shoulders shown. Negative no: F6437 - 2
62. Bench, by path through shrubbery and trees. New Zealand. Photographer: A. Rayner.
63. Maori man in cloak. Photographer: C.F. Holmes
64. Wellington, N. Zealand = A view of the harbour = with pier.
65. Wellington, N. Zealand = A view of the harbour = Annotation: “Post office (in under the pillars) to the left = Bonded store houses, or -?- Warehouse, on the right = March 1865 “Esk””
66. Wellington, N. Zealand = Supreme Court House = Annotation: “This view serves best to show the way in which the high land rises up at the back of the town for the building stands in in the street, with houses on either side.”
67. A view of Wellington, New Zealand from the High land over the Town. Annotation: “This gives a capital idea of the place with the very high level rising up almost precipitously from the town.”
68. Chapel at St. Johns College. Photographer: C.F. Holmes. Annotation: “One of the earliest wooden churches of New Zealand. This is the chapel of the college that Bp: Pattison has instructed for the education of those natives he brings from sea islands.” Appears to be a copy of a painting.
69. St. Barnabas’ Church Auckland. Photographer: C.F. Holmes. Appears to be a copy of a painting. Similar to no.68.
70. St. Matthews Church, Auckland, New Zealand. Photographer: A. Rayner.
71. Church at cross roads of shop lined street. Horse and cart featured. New Zealand. Photographer: H. Webster, based in Auckland.
72. John Proctor Luce. Captain R.N. Photographers: Baltchelder & O’Neill, based at 41, Collins Street East, Melbourne. Annotation: “Was at Acre 1840, at Sevastopol, all the opperations in the white sea and at Kirtel. Legion of Honour and order of [unreadable] for that service. Commanded “Brisk” on C. of Africa = He accompanied Commodore Wilmot in his visit to the king of Dahomey and his journal of proceedings was had by the Admiralty –“ Standing in uniform.
73. Tapiana. Photographer: C.F. Holmes. Full body portrait. See no.38 also.
74. The Grave of Lieut. Mitchell H.M.S Esk. Photographer: H. Webster. Copy of no.58 [Lieutenant William E Mitchell, joined 26 May 1863, died 3 February 1864 - see TNA, ADM 196/37]
75. H.M.S. Esk. 21 guns. Lying in Wellington Harbour, New Zealand. April 1st 1865 = Annotation: “ Captain J.P. Luce [John P. Luce]. Lieut. B.F. Clark [Bouverie F. Clark]. H.L.C. Robinson. J. Hope [John Hope]. Master E.W. Creak [Ettrick W Creak]. Paymaster F.T. Robins [Frederick T. Robins]. Surgeon G. Duncan [George Duncan]. Ch Eng = J. Ward [James Ward]. Lt: Mar. Art: R.B. Gardner [Robert B Gardner]. Chaplain. T. E.G. Burbury [Thomas E.G. Bunbury]. Asst. Eng = F.N. Manning [Frederic N. Manning, MD]. Sub. Lieut: Wiseman [acting Lt. William Wiseman].” Photographer: E.S. Richards.
76. “Esks”. Montage of Captain & Ward Room Officers from H.M.S Esk 1864. Photographer: Batchelder’s, based at 41 Collins St. East, Melbourne. Annotation: “Captain Luce[in centre], Grissell, mid [Charles E Grissell]. Lindsay, mid [Charles Lindsay]. Chown, mid [J H T Chowne]. Tatton, gunner [William H Tatton]. Christy, surgeon [William B.C. Christy]. Bunbury, Chaplain [Rev. Thomas E G Bunbury]. Robinson, Lieut [Lt. H.L.C. Robinson]. Robbins, paym [Frederick T. Robins]. Downman, Clerk [H G Downman]. Heathcote, mid [William E Heathcote]. Wiseman, Sub–Lieut [William Wiseman]. Parker, mid [G S Parker]. Ward, Ch. Eng [James Ward]. Gill, Carp[enter] [Riachrd Gill]. Morris, Clerk [G de C P Morris]. Creak, Master [Ettrick W. Creak]. Clark, 1.Leiut [Bouverie F. Clark]. Manning, Assist Surg [Frederic N. Manning]. Oldham, mid [E H Oldham]. Hope, Lieut [John Hope]. Cape, Ass Eng [Thomas Cape]. Fenn, M. Assist [Theodore G Fenn, Master's Assistant].” Names and positions circled on the back.
77. St. Stephens Church, Opotiki, New Zealand with [native soldiers?] standing outside. Photographer: A. Rayner.
78. The school & mission house at Opotiki New Zealand. Photographer: H. Webster. Annotation: “The scene of the murderer of the Volkner a German missionary on-. The tree is the one on which he was hung before being cut up & his eye brain & heart eaten =” Copy of a drawing. A native is in a canoe on the river. Two men stand outside the school. This refers to an incident on 6th March 1865, at the family Church of St. Stephen's Opotiki which resulted in the Whakatohea tribe fleeing Opotiki. As "Utu" or payment for an injustice, the early missionary Charles Sylvius Volkner was hanged on a willow tree near his church at Opotiki, beheaded, his heart torn out, eyes eaten and his blood drunk. The Government took action, confiscating lands of the Whakatohea. The people concerned were punished by hanging and imprisonment the Whakatohea tribe lost approximately one hundred and seventy three thousand acres.
79. Church, New Zealand. Photographer: A. Rayner.
80. Small buildings by the shore. A boat is on the water and a horse and cart stands outside one of the buildings. New Zealand. Photographer: A. Rayner.
81. St. Maries Church. Photographer: W.H. Reed. (Auckland. NZ)
82. A cemetery with a path through it. There are two ladies near a church in the background. Photographer: G.W. Bishop.
83. ‘Plan of the attack on the Gate Pa Tauranga Bay of Plenty New Zealand April 20th 1964’
84. Shoreline with camp set up. [Identified as Tauranga, New Zealand - See Durham Record Office, Reference: D/DLI 2/1/305]
85. A Church. Possibly the church which is in the background on no.82. Photographer: New Zealand Photographic Company. Queen Street Auckland (Opposite Mr. S. Hague Smith’s Establishment.)
86. Written on back: “A map of Europe for Lushia from Frances. 11th September.”
Written on the front: “ Carte drolatique D’Europe pour 1870 drop ore par Hadol Paris. ‘ Translation with amendments; England, isolated, rages, and almost forgets the Ireland whom she had to leash. France repulses the encroachments of Prussia who has a hand on Holland and a knee on Austria. Italy says to Prussia “Take away your foot”, Spain leaning heavy on little Portugal [unreadable] herself at ease. Coarse Sardinia a ‘good for nothing’ laughs at all. Denmark having lost his legs in Holstein now hopes to recover them. Turkey from Europe[unreadable] from sleep. Turkey in Asia out of the bother, enjoys her pipe. Norway, Sweden, like a [unreadable] purpose [unreadable] and sank out sharply. Russia like a chiffon” [unreadable] collector looks to fill his basket” S.S. Beal, photographie Helure Seuler. St. Paul’s Churchyard.” Signed HADOK
87. Ornate Maori doorway. Photographer: A. Rayner.
88. Annotation: “ Brading Church. I of Wight May 1869.” Photographer: F. Hudson ( Ventor Isle of Wight.) A cemetery surrounds the church.
89. Annotation: “ Robinson, Mid Esk” Photographer C. Deana, pupil of F.S. Archer, The Inventor. Chatham. A young man in dress uniform. Taken in studio.
90. 1343 Weston – Super – Mare – From the Esplanade, No.2. Annotation: “Residence of the Thiringtons Recorded Feb. 1870. Photographer: F. Bedford (photographer to H.R.H. The Prince of Wales) Pedestrians including children and goats and carts line the street.
91. Church. Annotation: “…from the new vicar of Chart Sutton. Tom Robinson. Oct. 30 1868” Photographer: Thomas Monk (New Road Gravesend)
92. Church. Annotation “Received in the drawing room of Fawkham Parsonage after tea, from Tom & Frances one Sunday evening – April 26th 1868”
93. “Tom & Frances to Tincy. April 30th . Fawkham Parsonage. Dartford.”
94. “From Tom & Frances. South view of vicarage, Chart Sutton. Oct. 30/68.” Photographer: Thomas Monk. Three ladies and two children stand outside.
95. “From Tom & North view of vicarage, Chart Sutton. Oct. 30.1868” Photographer: Thomas Monk. A man stands to the right of the vicarage.
96. A group playing croquet outside a restaurant. Photographer: Camille Benoit. Rue de Tanneurs, 25 Lille)
97. “Venerable Archden Robinson, 14 Euston Square “Marines” School. Northumberland House, Camberwell. Sheu!” Copy of an etching, no card, just paper.
98. Gravesend Church of Holy Trinity. Photographer: F.C. Gould. (10 Harmer St. Gravesend.)
99. Burns. Cumming’s Patents, ltd. Automatic Photo Delivery Machines. A copy of a painting, head and shoulders portrait on thick card.
100. School room of Holy Trinity, Gravesend. Photographer: F.C. Gould.
101. Waterside Church Mission. Harmer St. Gravesend. Photographer: F.C. Gould. Printed writing on back: “for Sailors, Fishermen and Emigrants. St. Andrew’s Waterside Church Mission, Gravesend, To provide for the visiting of Ships that leave the Thames for all parts of the World; for supplying the Sailors and Emigrants with Books and encouraging the regular worship of God on board Ship.
There is a Mission House from which the Libraries, and Books for Ships, are supplied gratis to the vessels visited by the clergy of the Parish off which most of the largest ships anchor.
There is also a Church specially for the Waterside Population of the poor district of Gravesend, from whence the vessels take their final departure from the Port of London. Reports are sent annually to Subscribers of five shillings.
Gifts of Books, Magazines, and Illustrated Periodicals are earnestly desired. The Railways on both sides of the Thames convey them free (from Fenchurch Street and Bricklayers’ Arms Stations) when address-ed to the Mission, by Goods Train.
Patron: The Lord Bishop of Rochester. Trustees: Rev. John Scarth, Vicar of Holy Trinity, Milton – next – Gravesend. Rev. C.E.R. Robinson, M.A. Rear – Admiral Inglefield, C.B. Chaplain: Rev. Wilmot Buxton, M.A. Hony. Assistant Chaplain: Rev. H.T. Maitland, B.A. Rev. John Scarth, Hony, Secretary & Treasurer, Gravesend.”
102. St. Andrews Waterside Mission, Gravesend. Photographer: F.C. Gould.
103. Church. Photographer: G. West. (60, High Street, Gosport.)
104. H.M.S. Victoria. Photographer: Groom (based at 83 Union St, Plymouth.)
105. Portsmouth Harbour. Photographer: G. West. H.M.S. St. Vincent at harbour. Bow visible.
106. Possibly Forton Barracks, back entrance. Home to Royal Marine Light Infantry 1848 – 1922. Photogapher: West, Gosport.
107. St. Vincent. (Portside) Portsmouth Harbour. Photographer: Poulson. (6 Paragon, New Kent Road)
108. The Grand naval Review of English Ships of War. Written on the front: “At Spithead, July 17th 1867. The visit of the Sultan of Turkey to Western Europe will by future historians be regarded as one of the great events of this second half of the 19th century.” Ships named: “ Iron Clads Minotour leading, Osborne, Victoria & Albert. Wooden Ships Victoria leading” “ Pinxt W.E. Atkins” Photographer: Poulton.
109. HMS Himalaya’s wheel. Annotation: “H.M.S. Esk. Melbourne. June 20. 1865. I was walking down (or up, as the case may be) Collins Street & went to Perry’s for a photograph of a painting of Sir C. Hotham to put with my Admirals – Perry had not got one, but thought that I should get it at Davis’ in Bourke Street; Wither I went and the first thing I saw in the shop window was this photo of the Himalaya’s wheel, with John Standing at it. So good a wife, must be a dear sister; and that’s the story of my sending this little pressy. I think Jn[?] has a splendid boat” Five seaman stand around the wheel of a ship. Photographer: Post Office Photographic Studio (7, Bourke St, East, near the Herald Office, Melbourne).
110. Church, (Ormskirk?) image framed by an arch. Photographer: R. Cammack.
111. W. Hollier, Williams Shanklin Hotel, Isle of Wight. Carriages cars and post horses. Copy of an etching on paper, no card.
112. Torquay – St. Johns Church, Interior of Chancel. Photographer: Bedford.
113. Interior of a church. Photographer: J.S. Brooks. (96 East Gate Rochester).
114. A view in Auckland N. Zealand. Annotation: “Taken from the top of the hill down which we go to Wynyard pier, which is our landing place. The Royal Hotel you will see marked it is a great house of call for us. The large white house 2 doors from it is the club – opposite to that (just where the low white paling) is where Albert generally gets a room when not at the Lyalls. At the top of the hill before you, is the House of Assembly – The road to the left on the high ground is through Parnell village & continues right away to the Bishops; which is that tower in the -?- distance, & contains the only peel of bells. Mr. Johnsons, is in that clump of trees seemingly just before you come to the Bps:” Similar to no.20.
115. Native Woman of New Zealand. Annotation: “Erana / i.e. Ellen / wife of Hore Impea = as a rule all native women have this hair cut short off in a line with the eyebrows: The lips are tattooed with two lines joining from the corners of the mouth downwards – this is a disfigurement, even though the girl may be pretty gives a furious look to the face – April 17 / 65.” Photographer: H.Webster (Auckland)
116. Morgan. Same as no.44.
117. Abraham Parks. Lieutenant R.N. Greenwich Hospital 1860. Photographer: H.B. Callenne (26a London Street, Greenwich.)
118. Portrait of unidentified Officer of the Navy. Photographer: Ross & Thomson(Photographers to the Queen. Based at 90 Princes Street, Edinburgh.
119. Title: Captain John H. Alexander; Royal Navy. Missing
120. Portrait of unidentified Lieutenant of the Navy. Photographer: E.W. Dallas (34 Hanover St. Edinburgh)
121. A Commander and a gentleman in a top hat at the wheel of a ship.
122. Rear Admiral John Charles Dalrimple Hay, taken while Captain. Ca. 1855 – 1866. In dress uniform with medals. Photographer: W.C. Smith (Athol House, Wish St, Southsea)
123. Sir. John Kingcome. Head and shoulders portrait, in dress uniform with medals.
124. Admiral Fargut. in dress uniform. Photographer: C.D. Fredricks & Co (587 Broadway, New York, 108 Calle de la Habana, Habana, 31, Passage du Harre. Paris)
125. Unidentified officer of the navy, possibly a Lieutenant. Photographer: J. Harris.
126. Admiral Sir Thomas Pasley Bart. Commander in Chief, Portsmouth. 1867. Photographer: J.G. Ohlin (39 High Street, Portsmouth.) Copy of a drawing.
127. Sir Thomas Pasley Bart 1868. Photographer: J. Harris.
128. Sir. B. Walker, in dress uniform with medals and sword. Photographer: Maull & Polyblank (55 Grace Church St & 187 Piccadilly, London)
129. Unidentified Captain of the Navy, in dress uniform.
130. Sir. Thomas Pasley Bart Commander in Chief Portsmouth. 1866 – 1869. 1868. Photographer: John Harris. Same session as no.127.
131. Captain. T. Ashborn. Photographer: W. Jeffrey. (114, Gt Russell Stree, Bloomsbury, London, WC.)
132. Captain Burgoyne. Photographer: Hennah & Kent. (108, Kings Road, Brighton.) In dress uniform with medals.
133. Unidentified Captain of the Navy. Portsmouth. In dress uniform with medals.
134. Captain Cowper Phipps Coles 1867. Negative no: A2543.
135. Captain Cowper Phipps Coles in suit and top hat at his side. Negative no: A3568. Photographer: Marion & Co. (London)
136. H.M.S. “Captain”. Iron -Clad Frigate 4272 Tons, 900 Horse Power. Photographer: Symonds (Portsmouth) Starboard.
137. Burning of the Bombay. Photographer: Groom. The Bombay is on fire as men watch from a row boat.
138. Admiral. F. Scott. C. B. Photographer: J. Harris. In dress uniform.
139. Captain Charles Chamberlain, Royal Navy (Engineer) In dress uniform.
140. George Graham Duff, Commander R N. April 1864. Annotation: “Mid of Sidan in Crimea at Bombardment of Adessa & attack on Fort Constantine Sebastopol. Lieut of Sparrowhawk in China at Fatsham & taken 1st Lieut of Esk at Taranaki, Waikato, and Gate Pah, at the latter he led one of the assaults and was severely wounded, for which he was especially promoted.” In dress uniform with medals.
141. Bouverie, Francis Clark, Lieut R. N. 1862. Annotation: “The Cadet in 1854 in ‘Cossack’ Capt. Fanshawe, during the campaign in the Baltic 1855. 2nd Lieut of ‘Esk’ during the operations at New Zealand was landed and engaged at “Rangiriri” and “Gate Pah”. Photographer: Batchelder & O’Niell, Melbourne. In civilian clothes with top hat and umbrella.
142. Ettick William Creak Master R.N of January 1863 H.M.S. Esk. Annotation: “Aged 30 – [Ettrick] Master of Esk in all that was operations of Taurange, Tarauraki, and Gate Pah” Photographer: Batchelders.
143. William B.C. Christy, Surgeon R.N. 1856= No war service – Resigned the service Feb 7 1865 for practice at home in New Zealand. Photographer: Batchelder & O’Neill.
144. John Hope Lieut R.N. 1864. Lieut H.M.S. Esk = no service = Photographer: Batchelder & O’Neill. In dress uniform with medals
145. Fredrick. I. Robins. Paymaster R.N. of 1858. Secretary to Commodore Elliot in the Sybille during Chinese war. Photographer: Batchelder& O’Neill. In dress uniform.
146. James Ward Chief Engineer 1861. H.M.S. Esk. “Ch. Engineer 1861. Assist Engineer of Majestic in 1854 x 1855 Baltic. Ch. Engineer of Esk in the operations at New Zealand.” Photographer: Batchelder & O’Neill. In dress uniform.
147. George Duncan M.D. Surgeon Royal Navy of September 1855 Annotation: “Acting surgeon of the Vulture in 1854 & engaged in the boats at the attack on Gamlakarleby &Uleaborg. Surgeon of Cossack in 1855 off Hango, at the massacre of the cutter crew with Lieutenant Geneste. Surgeon of Esk in the war in New Zealand 1865.” Photographers: Lawrence brothers (Caedon Street, Cape Town). In dress uniform
148. R B Gardner. Annotation: “Age 27.5 years 9/07/65. 1st Lieut. Royal Marine Ast. Landed at Gate Pah and previously at Taranaki and Turanga in Comd of marines of H.M.S. Esk - 186 x 1864.” Photographer: Gallery of Photography (Sydney, photographer by appointment to the Governor).
149. Frederic N. Manning Assist – Surgeon 1865 R.N. Assist Surgeon of Esk & landed at the Gate Pah April 29. 1864. Photographer: Batchelder.
150. Thomas Edwin George Bunbury Chaplain H.M.S. Esk 1864. First ship = Photographer: Batchelder & O’Neill.
151. William Wiseman – acting sub lieut 1865 H.M.S. Esk Photographer: Batchelder & O’Neill.
152. H.M.S. Esk -21. April 18 – 1866. Photographer: Milligan Bros, Gallery of Photography (based at 84 King Street, Near City Bank, Sydney.) Negative no. A7086. Starboard.
153. H.M.S. Rinaldo. Annotation: “17 guns lying at Hamilton, Bermuda 10th March 1863. Dressed ship in commemoration of the marriage of His R.H. the Prince of Wales.” Starboard view.
154. Vere Bernard Orlebar. Midshipman 1864. H.M.S. Esk. Annotation: “A very bad likeness. The lad is always on the broad grin and this is horribly grave.” Photographer: Batchelder & O’Neill. Repro ID L5535
155. Lindsey Midshipman H.M.S. Esk aged 17 = Annotation: “Mid of Esk & landed attack of the Gate Pah 1864.” Photographer: Batchelders& O’Neill.
156. Captain. J.F.C. Hamilton, Royal Navy. Negative no: A7087. Photographer: Mr. Jabez Hughes (care of the Royal Photographic Studio and photographer to the Queen and H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, based at Arcade, Ryde, Isle of Wight.) Annotation: “Captain Charles F. Hamilton. Fell in landing up the reserves at the assault of the Gate Pah New Zealand. Gazetted to a C.B. had he survived. Commanded H.M.S. Esk. Killed in action 28 April 1864. In the Crimea. In China.” In dress uniform with sword.
157. Admiral W.H. Hall. Photographer: Maull & Polybank (55, Gracechurch Street and 187a Piccadilly, London) Stamped no.26743. In dress uniform with medals and sword.
158. Unidentified Officer of the Navy. In dress uniform with sword and medals Photographer: J. Harris.
159. Portrait of unidentified Officer of the Navy. Same officer as no.118. Photographer: Ross & Thomson.
160. Charles J. Schofield, Sub Lieutenant 1864. H.M.S. Eclipse. Photographer: H. Webster.
161. Larger but fainter copy of no.76. “Esks”. Montage of Captain & Ward Room Officers from H.M.S Esk 1864. Photographer: Batchelder’s. Annotation on back also similar. Refer to no.76.
162. Unidentified officer. Possibly a Sub-Lieutenant. Photographer: John Moffat (103 Princes Street, Edinburgh.) In dress uniform with medals.
163. Portrait of unidentified Officer of the Navy. Photographer: Ross & Thomson.
164. Lord Gilford, Captain R.N. Commander of Hercules. 1869. Photographer: W.B. Newland & Co (High Street, Portsmouth). With Painted background. In dress uniform.
165. Portrait of unidentified Officer of the Navy. Possibly Secretary to Commander in Chief. Photographer: J. Nesbitt (79 George Street, Edinburgh).
166. H.R.H. Prince Alfred, Midshipman R.N. 1858. Photographer: Mayall Fecit. ‘March 15. 1807’. Negative no: P39704
167. Missing.
168. H.R.H. The Duke of Edingburgh. “The only portrait taken since the attempt upon the life of his Royal Highness”.Photographer: The London Stereoscopic & Photographic Company (110 & 108 Regent Street and Cheapside).
169. H.R.H. The Duke of Edingburgh. “The only portraittaken since he attempt upon the life of his Royal Highness.” The London Stereoscopic & Photographic Company.
170. Commander J.C.Wells, H.M.S. Asia. St. Reserve, Portsmouth Nov. 1868. Photographer: Mr. Jabez Hughes.
171. Comr J.C. Wells H.M.S. Asia. St. Reserve Portsmouth Nov. 1868. Photographer: Mr. Jabez Hughes. Wells poses with a dog (black Labrador)
172. Unidentified man.
173. Lieutenant Aynsley J. Denham R.N. June 1870. Photographer: Ubsdell Photo (Photographic Gallery, Miniture painter to the king 1842.1 Green Row Portsmouth). Head and shoulders portrait. In dress uniform with medals.
174. Edward C. Hall Lieutenant R.N. “Asia” 1868. Photographer: E & A Debenham (photographers and miniature painters arcade Ryde 1W.) Numbered 992 on the back. Hall seems in inappropriately dressed and is holding a gun. Hat on the table says ‘steam..’
175. Unidentified man. Photographer: Mr. Jabez Hughes.
176. Unidentified Officer of the Navy. Head and shoulders portrait. Photographer: G.West.
177. Unidentified Officer of the Navy. Full body portrait. Same man as in no.176. Photographer: G.West.
178. Unidentified Cadet. Photographer: Freeman (Cor. East & Harbour Sts, Kingston, Jamaica.
179. Unidentified boy with sword. Cadet? No.14637 written on the back. Photographer: Fred C. Jones. (145 Oxford Street, London.)
180. Hilate Admiral Sir. W. Ramsey. Photographer: J.C. Tunny (Edinburgh.)
181. Charles Grey Robinson. Portrait, seated. Photographer: W.C. Smith.
182. Mule Lushia. H.M.S. Jason. 21. Jamaica. Captain Aynsley Received at Southsea 26 September 1867. Starboard view. Photographer: Duperly Bros. (No.3 Church Street, cor, Water Lane, Kingston, Jamaica.
183. Bermuda to England. March 1st 1870. Starboard. Annotation: “Mrs H Robinson. Your Affect Nephew Clf Robinson. Photographer: Groom.
184. Charles Grey Robinson. Mid. R.N. 26 May 1870 Haridreay. Photographer: Hall. (21 North Street and West Pier, Brighton).
185. Charles Grey Robinson. “Taken when at home east – Feb = 1871.” Photographer: E. Plowright (103, Week Street, 117, Maidstone). Numbered: 12353.
186. Mr. Childers. M.P. 1st Lord of the Admiralty 1869. Photographer: John Watkins. (Photographer to the Queen, based at 34, Parliament Street, London). Seated portrait taken from the right. Negative no: D2778(B)
187. Mr. Childers. M.P. 1st Lord of the Admiralty 1869. Photographer: John Watkins. Seated portrait taken from the left. Negative no: D2778(C)
188. Mr. Childers. M.P. 1st Lord of the Admiralty 1869. Photographer: Maull & Co (187 Piccadilly. W, Tavistock House, Fulham Road and 62 Cheapside, EC). Negative no: D2778(A)
189. J. G. Goshen, M.P. 1st Lord of the Admiralty. Photographer: John Watkins. Negative no: D2778(D)

Loose in album; Newspaper article titled “The Maori Chief”.
Newspaper cutting for the late Captain Thomson, December 9th 1899 in an envelope.
A printed image of an etching. Image of Stokade, Taranaki, NZ, BY William Brown & Co So. London,
A printed image of an etching. ‘Bank of New Zealand. Dunedin by Harnett & Co.
Drawn map of ‘Bay of Rio De Janeiro
Painting of unidentified man.

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