A Japanese street with banners

A colorised landscape photograph showing a street in Yokohama. Banners running down either side are angled towards the middle. Each banner is made of a pole with a strip of fabric attached by ties, and displays a message in Japanese characters. Women and men can be seen walking up and down or stood still along the street. This includes two women next to a kisok on wheels at the right of the image, a man at a smaller stall nearby, two men sat down on the left of the image, two people carrying circular vessels with carrying poles and what may be one or more pulled rickshaws. Several people are pictured wearing kimonos and geta (sandals). Another building, or row of buildings, is visible at the far end of the street, in the background. It has painted boards, lettering and lanterns along its frontage. A wooden bucket stood in a stone-lined depression, possibly a well, can be seen in the foreground, to the left of the image. Original caption (within the photograph): 'A 563 THEATRE STREET AT YOKOHAMA'.

The banners are advertising theatre performances, sumo tournaments and entertainement venues. The names of actors, wrestlers and other entertainers appear on them, as well as the names of managers and sponsors. Amongst the entertainments advertised include adverts for elephants and equestrian stunts/a circus.