Union Castle Mail Steamship Company Limited - Various vessels

a) The first page of the album has had the captions erased.
b) The handwriting is not always clear for peoples names.
c) Many of the negatives were damaged, which has affected the quality of the prints.

Contents (plate number):
1. Promenade deck of the S. S. Raglan Castle. [Caption erased]
2. Mr. George [?] [Unreadable. Caption erased] his back away [Unreadable. Caption erased] A b
3. Passengers of the Raglan Castle sunning themselves. [Caption erased]
4. Mr. [Unreadable. Caption erased] introducing [Unreadable. Caption erased]
5. [Unreadable. Caption erased. Central Battery Ironclad unidentified ship]
6. A fog on the Tagus. [Two ships in the river]
7. Lisbon. [Sailing cutter in the river.]
8. Lisbon [featuring a sailing boat in the foreground and land in the background.]
9. D.O.A.L.S.S [Deutsche. Ost. Africa. Line] “Kangla” (1890) in the Tagus. [Two sailing boats surround the ship.]
10. Moonlight in the Tagus.- [A 3-masted ship at anchor in middle distance.]
11. Promenade deck of the S. S. “Raglan Castle.” [Two ladies sitting on deck]
12. Port side, “Raglan Castle”, from the Poop.
13. Playing quoits, 3rd class deck, “Raglan Castle” [Four men on deck]
14. Miss Atty. [Lady in a sun hat posing on the promenade deck.]
15. Starboard Side, “Raglan Castle”, from the poop.
16. Miss. Moor. [A lady holding up an umbrella, posing on the promenade deck.]
17. “Scot and two of his admirers. [Scot = the captains dog. Miss. Atty and Captain B. A. Bryan.]
18. “Scot” being “spoilt”. [Scot, standing up being petted by Miss. Atty.]
19. Mr. Coats chaperones Miss. Atty for a constitutional. [Gentleman and Miss. Atty walking on the promenade.]
20. The Surgeon heart – breaking. [Uniformed Dr. Thornton sitting on a pipe, talking to a seated lady.]
21. Miss. Atty and two of her admirers. [With Scot and Captain Bryan]
22. A lucky dog. [Scot, being stroked by a laughing Miss. Atty.]
23. The 4th Officer and 5th Engineer on watch. [Other man also on deck.]
24. Deck quoits [Similar to 23.]
25. The Surgeon. (Dr. Thornton) [with pipe leaning against rails.]
26. Mr. Renolid + Mr. Imlah’s parrot [holding the parrot, Joe on his hand. See also 27, 263, 265]
27. Teaching the parrot swear –words. [holding the parrot, Joe on his hand P7473. See also 26, 263, 265]
28. Porto Santo. [View from water. Small rowing boat featured]
29. Madeira. [View from water.]
30. Fenchal, Madeira. [View from water. Ship, portside.]
31. The irate surgeon of the ubiquitous Kodak - friend. [Dr. Thornton standing, talking to a seated lady.]
32. Porto Sahto. [View from water.]
33. Dangerous! (extract from the ships regulations: “Passengers are strictly prohibited from climbing and sitting on the rails.”) [Miss. Atty sitting on rails.]
34. Mr. Ferguson (Chief Engineer) decides a dispute at quoits.
35. A neat ankle! [Miss. Atty sitting on rails.]
36. Approaching Porto Santo.
37. Church Parade. [Crew line up on lower deck for inspection.]
38. Sunday inspection under airwings. [Crew line up on lower deck for inspection.]
39. Mr. Stanley (4th Officer) at “boat stations”
40. Coming up from boat stations.
41. Fire Drill. [Action on upper deck]
42. Fire Drill. [Action on upper deck]
43. Fire Drill. [Action on upper deck]
44. “Bending” Sails. [View of sails from promenade deck.]
45. Deck Passengers. [Tanzibians sitting on deck chairs around table]
46. Tanzibians going home after service with the Congo Free State as Military Police. [Tanzibians sitting on deck chairs around table]
47. The photographer gets into serious trouble. [Miss. Atty relaxing with feet up, looking serious.]
48. Under Airwings. [A lady standing on deck]
49. Cricket under airwings.
50. La Belle au “bord” dormant. [Miss. Atty asleep. Also see 47.]
51. Miss. Watson plays quoits. [under air wings]
52. Quoits. [Miss. Watson]
53. Miss Watson [Quoits]
54. S.S. “Raglan Castle” under airwings looking forward
55. 2nd class passenger (Mr. Murray. Mr. Hill. Mr. Thomson. Mr. West. Mr. Evan) [posing by rails, some with smoking pipes]
56. Under airwings.
57. The Surgeon examines a vaccination case.
58. Church Parade. [Crew line up for inspection]
59. Mr. Stanley, 4th Officer [sitting down with cigarette]
60. The Chief Officer (Mr. Wright) calls the roll. [for inspection]
61. Mr. “Tommy” Wood in a hurry. [running]
62. In their Sunday best. [crew]
63. A gentle roll. [Tilted deck]
64. Draughts in the 2nd class deck.
65. Mr. Graham (3rd Officer) on the bridge.
66. Rolling [Tilted]
67. Mr. Wright, Chief Officer [posing on board]
68. Mr.Wright and Mr.Graham. [standing on bridge near telegraph]
69. A Lieutenant, Royal Navy Reserve. [Mr. Wright]
70. Rolls. [Two men sit on deck reading as it tilts.]
71. Rolls. [Two men sit on deck reading as it tilts.]
72. Rolls. [Two men sit on deck reading as it tilts.]
73. Rolling. [Ship tilts.]
74. Mr.Graham about to “take the sun” [with sextant]
75. Midday: (Mr,Graham + Mr.Stanley.) take the sun. [with sextants]
76. Mr.Wright + Mr.Stanley take the sun. [with sextants]
77. Mr. Graham, 3rd Officer, S.S. Raglan Castle” [posing onboard]
78. The officers taking the sun. (Mr.Graham, 3rd, Mr.Stanley,4th, Wright, 1st, Imlah, 2nd.)
79. “Make it eight bells” [The officers taking the sun.]
80. Mr.Imlah, 2nd Officer, S.S “Raglan Castle” [posing by the bridge telegraph]
81. Entering Table Bay. [Tanzanians visible in bottom left corner]
82. The Buffolo River at East London.[View from land.]
83. Table mountain in sight. [Tanzanians look out over the side of deck]
84. Table Mountain with the cloth laid. [thick cloud].
85. Table Mountain. [Clear view. Ship in foreground(Raglan Castle?)]
86. The Lions head. (Table Mountain.) [Thick cloud around top]
87. Stokes at dinner. [with one other man. Sitting on pipe, eating]
88. S.S. “Tantallon Castle” off East London [This is wrong ID as she had one funnel. The other options mentioned do not tally as superstructure is wrong. It likely to be Dunottar Castle (1890) after her 1897 refit].
89. Market Place, East London. (a bullock wagon) [There is a man lying on the ground in front of the bull which seems to be pulling several cows, watched by another man to the left. The buildings in the background read; ‘E. BELL& CO’, ‘Dunn & Co’ and ‘R. Curran market’.]
90. A spruit near East London. [Rocks and shrubs. A spruit is a small stream that flows only in the wet season]
91. Fish Eagles in the Park, East London [two behind a wire fence]
92. Grand Toucan (Queens Park, East London) [behind a wire fence]
93. Grand Toucan (Queens Park, East London) [behind a wire fence. Different to 92.]
94. In Queens Park, E. London [Shrubs and trees]
95. In Queens Park, East London [Shrubs and trees]
96. [No caption. Street scene. Two cows pulling a cart. Shops in background: ‘James. H. Whipps’, ‘Scalle bros’, ‘R.M. Masters’ ]
97. A pair of through-breds, East London. (Mr Johnson, driving, & Mr. Fairbairn.) [Stagecoach pulled by two horses. Three gentleman on board]
98. Locusts (the cloud on the horizon is composed of beasts, some two miles distant from the camera.)
99. Locusts (taken in the thick of a swarm.)
100. Locusts [swarming over the skyline]
101.Mr. Leighton after coaling [Posing on the bridge by an air vent]
102. Mr. Leighton & Mr. “Tommy” Wood. [on the bridge by an air vent and companionway]
103. Locusts. [Swarm in sky]
104. Quarter Master Austin
105. Locusts.
106. Capt: B.A. Bryan. Commander S.S. “Raglan Castle”. [Posing]
107. The Skipper. [Captain B.A. Bryan, Posing]
108. A Durban Policeman (& Mr. Johnson.) [Street scene. African policeman is in uniform but has no shoes on.]
109. A zulu ‘ricksha[w] boy. (Durban) [With extravagant headdress]
110. ‘Ricksha[w]s, Durban. [Street scene, policeman also featured.]
111. Fountain in the Gardens. Durban.
112. Jubilee statue S.H.M. Queen Victoria Durban. [Surrounded by trees and shrubs]
113. The Royal Hotel, Durban, from the Gardens.
114. A Durban Hansom cab [Street scene. ‘Tho’s Punton‘ and ‘Hulston & Son’ auction mart are in the background.]
115. Durban Harbour from the Botanical Gardens.
116. A “Cooke” + his family. Durban. [Indian family walking along tree lined street]
117. An Indian crowd, Durban. [Outside ‘West End Bar’ (W. Doran) on the corner of Grey Street and Pine Street]
118. “Coolies”, Durban [Natives outside ‘Globe Hotel’ on Pine Street]
119. A Durban street [children and adults in the street. Buildings include; ‘Ferranti & Co’ and ‘Andrew Auction’]
120. The Railway Station, Durban [Outside view]
121. Native with police, Durban Harbour [in rowing boat]
122. Crossing the Bar at Durban. [Two ships in the water]
123. In the Botanical Gardens, Durban.
124. A sharp curve of a sharp gradient (Cape Town – Bulawago [train] line)
125. The Modder River (taken from the town in crossing the bridge)
126. Yarlings[sp?], de Beers Mines Kimberley. [from a distance.]
127. Washing soil for diamonds, de Beers Mine, Kimberley.
128. Soil laid out to pulverise at the de Beers Mine, Kimbeley
129. Kaffer compound, de Beers Mine. Kimberley. [Africans gathered]
130. The Vaal River at Fourteen Streams. (looking down - river)
131. The Vaal River at Fourteen Streams. (looking up - river)
132. Passing through country covered with Locusts [Taken from train]
133. Locusts up above the train. [Taken from train]
134. A cloud of Locusts in the distance. [Taken from train]
135. Country covered with Locusts. [Taken from train]
136. A sharp curve (Kimberley to Bulawayo line)
137. The dwarf of Crocodile Pools. (an old man about 3ft high) [In field]
138. A Bechuana [Botswana] Hut
139. A Troopa, Bechuanaland Border Police
140. Bechuana [Botswana] children [ two in a field]
141. Mashonas [Two native women in a field]
142. Mashona huts. [Taken from train]
143. The Grand Hotel, Bulawayo [View from outside]
144. Dignity and Impudence. The small house on the right is the Victoria Hotel, which until the Grand was built, was the Swagger hotel of Bulawayo. [The Grand Hotel on the left, dwarfs the hotel on the right]
145. A Kofize. [Taken from train]
146. A Kofize. [Taken from train]
147. A Mashona Kraal. [Kraal = Enclosure for livestock. Taken from train]
148. A Kofize. [Taken from train]
149. Matabele [Ndebele] Ladies [Native ladies, standing in a field.]
150. Matabele [Ndebele] Ladies [and children]
151. Matabele [Ndebele] Ladies watching the train at Plum tree station
152. Matabele [Ndebele] Ladies watching the train at Plum tree station
153. Matabele [Ndebele] Ladies watching the train at Plum tree station
154. Matabele [Ndebele]huts.[View from outside.]
155. Matabele [Ndebele]huts.[View from outside.]
156. Typical country station. Cape Town – Bulawayo Railway. [Taken from train]
157. Boys at Machudi station.
158. A country station [a corrugated iron building with ‘Coedkoopwinkle’ painted on the roof]
159. Border station (between Transraal + British Bechuanaland)
160. Down the valley. 1 in 40 [Taken from the train, side of train is visible.]
161. Running down to Noblesfountein. [Taken from train]
162. The Vaal River at Fourteen streams. [Taken from train]
163. Running down to three sisters. [Taken from the train, side of train is visible.]
164. A day River bed. [Taken from train]
165. Coming down from Victoria West. [Taken from the train, side of the train is visible.]
166. Wayside Graves. (there are two wooden crosses by the side of the railway here, but they do not unfortunately come out in the photo.) [There is a mountain in the background.]
167a. Looking towards Sea Point from bedroom window, Mount Nelson Hotel, Cape Town. [View over roof tops with Mountain (Nelson?) in background.]
168a. View over Tble Bay from the Mount Nelson Hotel [over rooftops]
167b. Looking over Table Bay from the Mount Nelson Hotel.
168b. Myself ( - in the looking glass) [Photographer, camera and room reflected in the mirror.]
169. From the Mount Nelson Hotel looking towards Wynberg.
170. The Billiard Marker, Mt. Nelson Hotel. [wearing a tuxedo and bow tie, standing behind the bar. Cigarettes and drinks are visible in the background.]
171. The Southern spur of Table Mountain.
172. My friend the [billiard] marker. [Similar to 170, image is clearer.]
173. View, looking South from Table Mountain. (Towards Wynberg)
174. Looking North from Table Mountain (towards Sea Point)
175. Looking East from Table Mountain (over Table Bay.)
176. The Devils Peak
177. Back of the Mount Nelson Hotel.
178. Table Mountain, from Signal Hill.
179. The Devils Peak, from Signal Hill.
180. Looking down on Sea Point from Signal Hill.
181. Cape Town, from Signal Hill.
182. Looking down on Cape Town from the Kloof [trees]
183. A Glimpse of Cape Town from the Kloof [View surrounded by trees]
184. View, looking South, from summit of Kloof Pass.
185. The twelve apostles [bay. Looking down on]
186. Three Anchor Bay
187. Waves in Three Anchor Bay.
188. Waves. [Three Anchor Bay.]
189. The Twelve Apostles [Bay, rocks]
190. Waves. [Twelve Apostles]
191. The Usual angle of the “Raglan” [On board. Tilted deck]
192. Mr. Callendar, 4th Engineer S.S. “Raglan Castle”
193. The “Raglan” at her tricks. (the above roll is about 20 degrees. The average was perhaps, 38 degrees, while we twice did 52 degrees) [Two crew members on decks as it tilts]
194. “ Scot” (Capt. Bryans’ collie) at his bath, attended by his faithful servant “Lamps”
Ready to begin. [Scot being held by Lamps]
195. “ Scot” (Capt. Bryans’ collie) at his bath, attended by his faithful servant “Lamps”
The beginning [Scot standing still in a small tub being washed by Lamps. Scan number: P7537]
196. “ Scot” (Capt. Bryans’ collie) at his bath, attended by his faithful servant “Lamps”
In full swing [Lamps washing Scot in tub]
197. “ Scot” (Capt. Bryans’ collie) at his bath, attended by his faithful servant “Lamps”
A moments “easy”. [Scot standing in the tub apparently before washing.]
198. “ Scot” (Capt. Bryans’ collie) at his bath, attended by his faithful servant “Lamps”
Nearly finished. [Scot having his ears washed.]
199. “ Scot” (Capt. Bryans’ collie) at his bath, attended by his faithful servant “Lamps”
The final souse. [Scot having a bucket of water tipped over him]
200. “ Scot” (Capt. Bryans’ collie) at his bath, attended by his faithful servant “Lamps”
Finished. [Scot jumps out of the tub, shaking off water.]
201. Stewards sorting out potatoes after the bad weather. [Potatoes poured onto the deck]
202. Discarding damaged olives. [Similar to 201. Look like potatoes, rather than olives.]
203. No. I – Mr. Ferguson playing quoits with Mr. Imlah, does not notice the Kodak friend. [getting ready to throw a quoit.]
204. No. II Mr. Ferguson playing quoits with Mr. Imlah, suddenly does – (for continuation turn to next page.)
205. Moonlight on the Equator [over sea]
206. Boat Stations [Crew preparing for inspection.]
207. Sunday Muster [The crew, including chefs, line up for inspection.]
208. Butcher, Cooks & Stewards at muster.
209. No. III (FOR Nos. I & II see proceeding page) Mr. Ferguson addresses a few words more forcible than polite to the poor unsophisticated photographer. Much (apparently) to Mr. Leightons delight..
210. The Chief Officer & the Purser at muster. [Inspecting the chefs]
211. The Skipper at Muster [walking along the line]
212. Officers in their Sunday go-to-meeting clothes [posing for the camera.]
213. Something up with Mr. Stanley’s collar. [One officer adjusts Mr. Stanley’s collar.]
214. Posing. [Officers]
215. My fellow passenger (Mr.Curtis) [Man in casual clothes and cap, leaning on the rails]
216. Mr. Curtis’ fellow passenger (myself) [He wears casual clothes and sun hat]
217. Mr. Ferguson goes for the photographer. [walking towards the camera]
218. Taking the sun. [Three officers, including Mr. Imlah Using sextants]
219. Taking the sun. [Three officers, including Mr. Imlah Using sextants]
220. Taking the sun. [Three officers, including Mr. Imlah Using sextants]
221. In the tropics. [Using sextants]
222. Quarter Master Ruck.
223. Our champion quoit players (Mr. Imlah & Mr. Ferguson.)
224. Mr. Grahams arm. (beautifully ornamented with frescoes which however do not appear in the photo.
225. The Quoit champions [Mr. Imlah & Ferguson]
226. A tattooed man. [Mr Graham]
227. Mr. Ferguson at Church Parade
228. Church Parade
229. The Skipper at Church Parade
230. “Scot” & his master [Scot running on deck by Captain Bryans]
231. Quarter Master Austin [Posing]
232. Quarter Master. [Posing]
233. “ Scot” is told to keep still. [Scot sitting on a bench while Captain Bryans stands, looking down at him.]
234. “Scot” disapproves of the Kodak.
235. “Scot” resigns himself to the inevitable. [Scot sits on the bench and looks at the camera.]
236. Funchal [Harbour and small boats]
237. Funchal [Harbour and small boats]
238. Funchal [Harbour and small boats]
239. Funchal [Harbour and small boats]
240. Funchal [Harbour and small boats]
241. Funchal [Harbour and small boats]
242. In Funchal Harbour [small rowing boat and U.S.A Navy training brig]
243. Funchal Harbour [Two rowing boats]
244. Training Ship, U.S.A. Navy. [Also small rowing boat featured]
245. Funchal
246. Funchal
247. Funchal [Seemingly a family on a rowing boat with parasol.]
248. Boats on the Tagus.
249. M.M.S.S. [Messageries. Maritime. ( Steam?) Ship] “Bresil” coming up the Tagus. [Also two small sailing boats]
250. In The Tagus. [M.M.S.S. Bresil] 1888
251. A passenger (Mr. Bradley) works the steam winches at Lisbon.
252. Portuguese Government Yacht [ketch].
253. Mr. Bradley at the winches
254. The Purser takes a spell at the winches. [A passenger smiles at the camera by the winches.]
255. The Purser does some work [at the winches]
256. In the Tagus [with boats]
257. A Lighter in the Tagus
258. D.O.A.L.S.S. [Deutsche. Ost. Africa. Line. (Scooner?.) Ship] “Admiral” coming down the Tagus
259. The Lazaretho opposite Lisbon
260. Looking at the Tagus
261. An English yacht in the Tagus [small sailing boat in the distance]
262. Yacht belonging to an English “isibord” in the Tagus.
263. Mr. Imlah & “Joe” [Joe = parrot. See also 26, 27, 265]
264. The Skipper & Miss. Thomas [Miss. Thomas = a little girl.]
265. “Joseph” & his master [Mr. Imlah and his parrot . See also 26, 27, 263, 264]
266. A Porpoise. [in the sea]
267. Third Class Passengers [On board. A woman playing with children]
268. Third Class Passengers [On board. A woman playing with children]
269. Running down [English] Channel before the wind
270. In the English Channel.
271. Getting a tow down channel [A brig in the distance]
272. Before the wind in the English Channel [A portside view of a brig]
273. Running before the wind.
274. Fishing boat in the channel, hauling in the rats.
275. A channel fishing boat. [170RX –sail number] [Cutter rigged]
276. The Surgeon, the Purser, and a friend. [friend = a little girl, sitting on the Pursers knee.]
277. The Pool, London. Home again!

Object Details

ID: ALB0635
Type: Photograph album
Display location: Not on display
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 482 mm x 330 mm x 44 mm
Parts: Union Castle Mail Steamship Company Limited - Various vessels

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