Uncatalogued: Chamberlain, W. C. Rear-Admiral, 1818-1878

Includes a fine series of c. 60 letters written to his mother, Lady Chamberlain, throughout his naval career, c. 1830 - 1870, collection of his appointments and commissions, public and private testimonials, papers relating to his naval service: surrender at Pernau, 1855; account of interview with Turkish admiral Latakieh, 1860; the rebellion in Tunis, 1864 etc; his position as Captain Superintendent of HM's Dockyard at Chatham; family correspondence; family photographs; copy of the Navy List, 1836.

Administrative / biographical background
Promoted lieutenant on 4 November 1840, commander on 22 October 1844, captain on 21 February 1856 and rear-admiral on 19 January 1874. Chamberlain joined the STROMBOLI as lieutenant, commanded by Woodford John Williams, Mediterranean, 15 December 1840; acted as lieutenant in the IMPREGNABLE, commanded by Thomas Forrest, Mediterranean, 18 January 1842; was lieutenant in the HOWE, commanded by Thomas Forrest, Mediterranean, 16 March 1843; lieutenant in the HYACINTH, commanded by Francis Scott, particular service, 22 September 1843; lieutenant in the ALBION, commanded by Nicholas Lockyer, particular service, 30 January 1844; commander in the BRITOMART, west coast of Africa, 12 July 1847; commander in the CORMORANT (until paying off at Woolwich), south-east coast of America, 13 January 1851- 28 February 1852; commander in the CONFLICT, Devonport, 9 July 1855; captain in the RACOON (until paying off at Chatham), Mediterranean, 1 May 1860 21- January 1862; captain in the RESISTANCE (from commissioning at Chatham), Channel squadron then (December 1863), Mediterranean, 6 July 1862 - April 1866; captain in the ASIA, Portsmouth (flag-ship of Admiral Superintendent) and captain of the Steam Reserve, 24 April 1866 and Superintendent of Chatham Dockyard, 1 December, 1868 - 18 January 1874.

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/82/088; MSS/82/088.0 MS1982/088
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Date made: 1830-1870; 1870-01-01 - ?
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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