Uncatalogued: Mackie, William, Master Mariner, 1839-1887

Abstract logs for the BEN NEVIS, 18 June 1876 - 7 March 1877; 1 October 1879 - 2 April 1881; 10 July 1881 - 15 April 1882; letters from Walton Bros, Glasgow, memoranda, copies of coded telegraphic messages from Mackie, 1876 - 1884; printed testimonial of Mackie, 1876; three photographs: BEN NEVIS; crew of the BEN NEVIS; unknown ship, possibly the PASS OF LENY; diary account of the wrecking of the CYCLONE, possibly in 1866 and probably written by John Mackie, sailmaker.

Administrative / biographical background
Mackie captained clipper ships and mostly the BEN NEVIS, 1876 - 1884. He died on board the PASS OF LENY of 'Java fever' and buried at sea off Durban.

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/82/058; MS1982/058
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Date made: 1876 - 1882
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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