Uncatalogued: Collis, Harry, Convoy Section, Ministry of Transport, Fl. 1939-1946

Information on German steamers in Uraguay, 1917-1918; tables of distances of routes to USA, Mediterranean, West Indies, etc.; information on U boat attacks on shipping, 1943-1944; secret memos and orders on the surrender of Germany and U boats not accounted for, May 1945; United Maritime Authority, Tramp Freight Committee: deep sea freight rates approved, February 1946; list of definitions, relief agencies, abbreviations and code prefixes, 1942-1945; notebook of minutes of convoy meetings, room 6042, 1942-1945; diversion book, instructions passed through Admiralty (D.3) 1943-1945; reports on Ministry of Shipping, Sea Transport Organisation; minutes on Advisory Committee and Shipping Defence Advisory Committee, 1939-1941; various files on convoy transport circa 1940s.

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/82/174; MSS/82/174.0 MS1982/174
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Date made: 1917-1946
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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