Uncatalogued: Notes on warships by Gerald John Blake

Handwritten notes on warships by Gerald John Blake, made on loose sheets, folded inside hard covers:

‘British Navy 1852-1890’ contains particulars and some small profile and deck drawings, covering British battleships, cruisers, corvettes, sloops, river gunboats, torpedo boats, other craft, reconstructions and guns.

‘Old Navy’ contains particulars of ironclads and other warships belonging to foreign nations including the USA, Turkey, Italy, Russia, Germany and France, circa 1850-1895. There are also notes on HMS DUKE OF EDINBURGH (1904) and other battleships of the same class.

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/74/140; MS1974/140 MSS/74/140
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Level: ITEM
Date made: circa 1905
Creator: Blake, Gerald John
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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