Uncatalogued: Horne, Robert Sutherland, 1909-1973

Boxes 1 and 2: Horne's office diaries circa 1954-1968 and notebook on buildings (5 volumes). Files Nos 1-30 relating to Horne's work as Honorary Historian at Portsmouth Dockyard, including correspondence on historical enquiries, arrangements for tours, and transfer of items to the Public Record Office and National Maritime Museum.
Box 3: File of papers concerning the Assembly of the Fleet at Spithead, July 1914. Booklet of points of interest for the 'Visit of Their Lordships' in May 1929. Orders for the Coronation Review of the Fleet at Spithead in 1953, and the arrival at Portsmouth of Alec Rose in his yacht LIVELY LADY in 1968.
Box 4: Horne's papers on historical topics including apprentices and shipwrights, lifting and hauling appliances, building projects and latrines. Works Department drawing office negatives and drawing register relating to passive defence measures, 1941-1944. Instructional book for a course on winter warfare at the War Office Mountain Training School BTA, 1946-1947. Repair and Maintenance Schedule for HMS VICTORY, March 1966.
Box 5: Papers from the office of the Superintending Civil Engineer, concerning proposals for works, estimates, finance and labour at Portsmouth Dockyard, circa 1908-1950.
Box 6: Volume of contracts agreed with the Master Builder, Storekeeper, Clerks of the Cheque and Survey, Portsmouth Dockyard, circa 1690-1700. Specification for the construction of the RN Detention Quarters, January 1910.
Box 7: Account book with details of tenders, specifications and estimates for dockyard machinery, 1883-1886. Letterbook of the Queen's Harbour Master at Portsmouth, 1887-1896.
Box 8: Sketchbook with plans of blocks, shackles, and other items tested at the Testing House of the Smithery Department, circa 1895-1902. Folder of papers concerning civil defence at Portsmouth Dockyard, 1926-1945. Notebook on air raid damage records, 1940-1941. Report compiled by the planning committee of The Society of Industrial Civil Defence Officers, 1965.
Box 9: Admiralty Director of Works papers relating to the extensions of the dockyards at Simon's Bay at the Cape of Good Hope and Keyham at Devonport Dockyard, 1896-1908. Folder of specifications, proposals and plans for the Admiralty Harbour at Dover, naval ordnance stores at Chattenden and Upnor, naval hospitals, port of Piraeus and HM Naval Yard at Simon's Bay, 1896-1914.
Box 10: Admiralty Director of Works papers regarding civil engineering projects including the proposed docks at Jamaica and dredging contracts, circa 1877-1907. Also the report of Colonel S.H. Exham, Superintending Engineer, Rosyth, following a visit to foreign dockyards, 1904.
Box 11: Admiralty Director of Works file on various civil engineering projects, circa 1887-1906. Including a notebook with particulars of dredgers at Portsmouth, 1904-1907. Booklets from The Institution of Civil Engineers concerning the Hamilton Graving Dock and 160 ton hydraulic crane at Malta, new works at Gibraltar Dockyard, and use of Portland cement, 1878-1914.
Bundles 1 and 2: Volumes entitled 'Harbour Moorings, Rough' and 'Outport Mooring Book, Rough' containing diagrams and details of positioning marks for Admiralty moorings at Portsmouth, Portland, Ryde, Cowes, Channel Isles and elsewhere, circa 1890-1926. Register of Artificers and Workmen, 1802-1806.
Oversize volumes: Specimen of Dockyard Muster Book for Workmen of the Ropehouse, 1701-1705. Weekly Returns of the Artificers, Labourers, & c., borne on the Books of His Majesty's Dock and Rope Yard, 1804-1805. Folder of plans of the Officers' Houses at Portsmouth Dockyard, 1819-1827. Register of boiler makers, fitters, stokers, iron and brass founders and others employed at Portsmouth Dockyard, 1864-1867. File providing details of labour and progress on air raid clearing and repair work at Portsmouth Dockyard (including plans of bomb damage), 1941.
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Administrative / biographical background
Robert Sutherland Horne worked as an architectural assistant in the drawing offices of the Department of the Civil Engineer-in-Chief, Navy Works Department and Ministry of Public Building and Works at HM Dockyard Portsmouth and nearby establishments, circa 1954-1971. Towards the end of his career he became Honorary Historian of Portsmouth Dockyard, conducting tours of the site and writing books on some of its oldest buildings. He was also responsible for salvaging and transferring significant historic items into public archives, including a large collection of glass plate negatives to the NMM. An obituary for Horne appears in the May 1973 issue of 'The Mariners Mirror'.

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/74/054; MS/74/054 MS1974/054
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Extent: 11 boxes, 2 bundles; 1 oversize folio and 2 oversize bundles
Date made: 1690-1971; 1897-1971 1954-1969 1954-1970 1954-1971
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London