Uncatalogued: Account sheets for five ships managed by Scrutton, Sons & Co.

Account sheets for five steam cargo vessels in the West Indies trade, managed by Scrutton, Sons & Co. of London, 1887-1890:

ATLANTIS (1884), The 'Atlantis' Steamship Co. Ltd., Voyage 9, between January 1887 and March 1887.
McGAREL (1883), The 'McGarel' Steamship Co. Ltd., Voyage 24, between December 1888 and February 1889.
NEW YORK CITY (1879), The 'New York City' Steamship Co. Ltd., Voyage 16, between March 1887 and May 1887.
NONPAREIL (1884), The 'Nonpareil' Steamship Co. Ltd., Voyage 29, between February 1890 and April 1890.
SARGASSO (1883), The 'Sargasso' Steamship Co. Ltd., Voyage 17, between June 1887 and August 1887.

Also two letters relating to insurance for the McGAREL and NEW YORK CITY, and three printed notices of annual general meetings.

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/74/032; MSS/74/032
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1887-1890
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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