Uncatalogued: Bliedung, August, Chief Engineer, Fl. 1898-1920

Two letterbooks of copy letters (in German), 11 October 1899 to 25 June 1900 and 2 July 1898 to 10 October 1899; file relating to Bliedung's patent 'Automatic Coaling Apparatus for Bunkers.' This was patented on 19 November 1907. Includes the official patent certificate, the patent description and technical drawings and correspondence concerning the patent. Photograph album of a gun mounted in a barge designed by Bliedung circa 1917.

Administrative / biographical background
Engineer in Chief of the DEUTSCHLAND.

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/83/115; MSS/83/115.0 MS1983/115
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Date made: 1898-1920; 1899-01-01 - ?
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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