Uncatalogued: Donaldson, Leonard Andrew Boyd, Admiral, 1875-1956 & Donaldson, Vernon D'Arcy, Admiral b. 1906

Crossing the line certificate, HMS KEPPEL, to Lieutenant Donaldson, 17 December 1934; certificate of appointment to sub-lieutenant Donaldson, 29 October 1927.

Admiral L. A. B. Donaldson's papers: volume of 'flimsies' his service records, 15 January 1892 - 14 November 1913; printed volume recording the history of HMS NEW ZEALAND, presumably written by Leonard Donaldson. Envelope containing nine letters re: depth charges and Sir Percy Scott, 1919; also includes more commissions, letters,1931, 1927, 1918, 1913, 1909, passing certificates, RNC score sheet and certificates; biographical notes.

Admiral Vernon D'Arcy Donaldson's papers: service records and a book containing his career appointments, 1924-1947.

Administrative / biographical background
Admiral Leonard Andrew Boyd Donaldson was born on 1 August 1875. He entered into the navy in 1889 and became a cadet in the BRITANNIA from January 1890 to December 1891 and in the COLLINGWOOD, Mediterranean Fleet, January to July 1892. He was appointed midshipman in the NILE and the COLLINGWOOD, Mediterranean Fleet from 1892 to 1895. Leaving the Mediterreanean, he entered the WANDERER, Training Squadron, Portland serving there between February and October 1895. He was promoted acting-sub-lieutenant in January 1896 and sub-lieutenant in 1896. He was promoted to lieutenant on 30 June 1898 serving in the North American Station in the ARIADNE, 1903 to 1905, the FURIOUS, VERNON and SPEEDY, between 1905 to 1910. He was promoted commander on 31 December 1909 and served in the MONMOUTH, China Station, 1910 to 1912. He served as captain in the submarine attack committee, Admiralty, 1914 to 1915. He was promoted to captain on 31 December 1914 and served in the fourth S/M Flotilla in the BONAVENTURE, 1915, in the LUCIA at Scapa Flow, 1916 to 1918; in the NEW ZEALAND, Second Battle Cruiser Squadron, Grand Fleet, September 1918 to 1919. He was later Captain Superindendent at HM Dockyard, Pembroke between 1924 and 1926. He was commissioned rear-admiral on 2 March 1926; admiral superindendent, HM Dockyard Portsmouth between 1927 and 1931; commissioned vice admiral 23 May 1930 and placed on the retired list; he was made an admiral on 8 May 1935. Admiral Vernon D'Arcy Donaldson was born on 1 February 1906 and passed the entrance examination for cadetship in the Royal Navy in 1922. Entered the navy as a cadet at OSBORNE (1919-1920) and DARTMOUTH (1920-1923). He was appointed midshipman in the BARHAM, Flagship of the First Battle Squadron, Atlantic Fleet and later Mediterranean Fleet, 1924 to 1926 and three months destroyer training in HMS VANESSA, June to August 1925. He was promoted to sub-lieutenant in the NELSON, Flagship, Home Fleet, 1927 t0 1930. Amongst others, Donaldson served in the KEPPEL as lieutenant between April and December 1934. He served as lieutenant-commander in the GLORIOUS, Mediterranean Fleet, January 1938 to March 1940, receiving his commander position with seniority on 31 December 1939, he joined the Admiralty Plans Division on the Naval Staff, May 1940 to May 1942. Being appointed to the BIRMINGHAM as executive officer, Eastern Fleet, October 1942 to February 1943, he then was appointed commander to staff of commander-in-chief, Eastern Fleet, February 1944 to March 1945. Vernon D'Arcy Donaldson was appointed captain with seniority on 31 December 1944 and was assistant director to the Torpedo Anti-Submarine and Mine Warfare Division, 1945-1947; was naval attache and embassy in China, based in Nankung, 1948-1950 and aide de camp to the Queen, 1953-1954. He was placed on the retired list in 1954 and on retired list with honorary rank of rear-admiral in 1957.

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/83/150; MSS/83/150.0
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Date made: 1892-1931
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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