Uncatalogued: Carter, Cornelius Edward, Commander, 1880-1950

Watch, Stations and Quarter Book for HMS PHOENIX; notebook for HMS PHOENIX; orderbook for PROSPERPINE and PHILOMEL, 1910; two night orderbooks for PROSPERINE, 1909; logbook kept by Lieutenant C. E. Carter in the LATONA, 1905 and the PROSPERINE, 1910. Includes Carter service certificates and biographical information concerning his career in the Navy. Printed books entitled, 'Navigation Simplified by a System of Teaching based on First Principles, for Officers in the Merchantile Marine and Yachtsmen' by Captain P. Thompson, 1900 and 'Ocean Passages for the World', Admiralty publication, 1895. In addition to the box of material is a folio sized photo album covering his career between 1899 and 1918. He served on the CALYPSO during First World War. Please contact archive staff for more information about ordering from this collection.

Administrative / biographical background
Carter was born on 26 March 1880 and entered into the Navy at age 13 as a cadet. He was promoted to midshipman 15 January 1896 and appointed to the NARCISSUS at the China Station. He was promoted to acting-sub-lieutenant on 1 September 1900 and was at the Royal Naval College Greenwich; then appointed to the VIGILANT as sub-lieutenant, 3 September 1901 and was at the East Indies Station serving on MAGDALA, ASSAYE and IPHYUMA, 1901-1903. When World War One broke out in 1914 he was appointed to the CALYPSO as lieutenant commander, 10 August 1914 and was also involved in training of sailorsand acted as a courier between the British Admiralty and Canada via Halifax. He escpaed death on the LUSITANIA which was torpedoed by a German submarine off Ireland enroute to Canada, 6 May 1915, with a loss of 1,198 lives. Carter on this occassion missed his passage on the ship. He entered on to the retired list in 1919 as commander.

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/83/006; MS1983/006
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Date made: 1880-1950
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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