Uncatalogued: Lewin, W. H., Lieutenant, Fl. 1866-1873

Notebook kept while at HMS EXCELLENT, Portsmouth in 1866; this includes 'a retrospect' account of his personal reflections in 1867. There is also an account of his reflection made during 1873; a notebook of 'person records of the Lewin family since the Hollies Estate came into their possession'; a copy of a lecture given by William H. Lewin for the Royal United Services Institution, in 1987, and entitled, 'The Proposed Naval College at Dartmouth.'

Administrative / biographical background
William Lewin entered the navy as a midshipman in the EXCELLENT on 21 June 1866. He then joined the PLYADES as a gunnery lieutenant on 19 December 1867 and then back to the EXCELLENT for study in 1870. He resumed gunnery duties on 25 February 1871, joining the RESISTANCE and later the ROYAL ADELAIDE in the same year. Between 1872 and 1873 he served in the MALIA and retired as a lieutenant on 18 November `873 later being added to the retired list again as commander on 1 October 1873. He was favourably mentioned for services by the Admiralty in Septemer 1873.

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/83/170; MS1983/170
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Date made: 1866-1897
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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