Chinese workers drying tea
A black and white landscape photograph showing Chinese workers drying tea. Six men are stood or sat around flat, round tea baskets, some with smaller round sieves within in them for drying tea. Several tea chests are visible, being used as tables and seats; one is empty and facing half towards the camera. One man, standing at the right of the image, has a pipe in his mouth. The scence takes place in a high-ceiling room, possibly a warehouse. A brick wall is visible in the background, with a doorway in the middle of the image with a darkened room containing furniture visible through it. A plaque and a poster, both displaying Chinese characters, are visible to the right of the doorway. A screen or partition made of bamboo can be seen on the right side of the image, with one or two other people, their faces blurred, visible beyond. Original caption (handwritten beneath in ink): 'Drying Tea. China.'.