An Indigenous South American man holding weaponry
A black and white portrait photograph of an Indigenous South Amercian man. He is standing in the middle of the frame, slightly turned towards. He wears a loincloth or skirt covering his naval to the top of his thighs. An object, possibly a knife or machete, is tucked into this, over his stomach. He holds a barbed object, probably an arrow or dart, in his right hand. He holds a longer objects, possibly a blowpipe, in his left hand. His nose is pieced with a bar through the. He is also wearing a hat or headress, earrings, a neclacke made of animal teeth or horns, and a sash-like strap cover his right shoulder, and armbands around his biceps on both arms. He is standing, barefoot, on bare ground at the side of a lake, river or other body of water. A canoe or other boat can be seen behind him and lower down. Trees and other foliage are visible around him and in the background. Original caption (handwritten in ink beneath): 'Amazonian Indian. South America'.