Four Black Southern African women wearing blankets, necklaces and headwraps

A black and white landscape photograph of four African women. The are sitting in a row and facing the camera. Each wears a blanket round their torsos. The two women at either end of the row have the blanket round one or both of their shoulders but the two women in the middle do not, All four wear headwraps and necklaces. He third women from the left of the image has a pipe in her mouth and, unlike the others, her hands can be seen, crossed on her lap. They are photographed against a plain background with a curtain or other piece of fabric visible on the left of the image. Original caption (handwritten in ink beneath): [offensive] ‘Kaffir women’.

'Kaffir' is a highly offensive work that Europeans used describe Black people in Southern Africa.

Object Details

ID: ALB0029.212
Type: Photographic print
Display location: Not on display
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Parts: Early career of Frederick North (Photograph album)