A true description of the Norwest partes of Irelande wherin is showed the most parte of O'Donnells contre, part of Tirones, part of McGuyres, part of Orowercks: all of the Co. of Slego, part of McWillms and parte of the Co. of Roscomon truly collected & observed by Captain John Baxter. Finished by Baptista Boazio.

Bound sheet. Col. ms. Medium: Laid on linen. Scale: [ca. 1:250 000 (meas)]. Cartographic Note: North at 270 degrees. Scale in Irish miles. Additional Places: Ireland. Contents Note: Houses, churches and forts depicted. Roads marked, relief indicated, Depiction of 3 Spanishe shippes cast away in ao 88 (Armada wrecks at Streedagh), Text notes relating local legends: sighting of '2 water horses of a huge bigness'; a holy man who can, by turning stones, cause the death of people who anger him; a bog where scenes of battles, castles and cattle can appear.
From volume eight, Maps of Ireland, of the Dartmouth collection of maps and plans, compiled for or by George Legge, Master General of the Ordnance.

Record Details

Item reference: P/49(7); MS 53-073
Level: PART
Date made: circa 1600
Creator: Boazio, Giovanni Battista
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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