[East part of Ulster]

Bound sheet. Col. ms. Medium: Laid on linen. Scale: [ca. 1:350 000 (scale)]. Cartographic Note: North at 90 degrees. Scale in English and Irish miles. Probably copied from the maps of Richard Bartlett. Additional Places: Ireland. Contents Note: Pictorial decoration: ships, John de Courcy, merman, fish.
From volume eight, Maps of Ireland, of the Dartmouth collection of maps and plans, compiled for or by George Legge, Master General of the Ordnance.

Administrative / biographical background
This map was drawn to demonstrate to Queen Elizabeth the strategic importance of establishing possession of Strangford Lough and basing the Principal Officer of the Munsters there. Reference is made to Sir John de Courcy's invasion of Ulster from the Isle of Man in the 13th century. Probably drawn after the start of the Nine Years Rebellion (1594-1603).

Record Details

Item reference: P/49(25); MS 53-073
Level: PART
Date made: circa 1595; [1601] [1602]
Creator: Anonymous
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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