A description of Kingsale

Bound sheet. Col. ms. Medium: Laid on linen. Additional Places: Ireland. Contents Note: Key to features of the town and fortifications, including the new line.
From volume eight, Maps of Ireland, of the Dartmouth collection of maps and plans, compiled for or by George Legge, Master General of the Ordnance.

Administrative / biographical background
On 31 January 1649, the day after the execution of King Charles, Prince Rupert arrived at Kinsale with a small Royalist fleet which occupied the port until October, blockaded by Admiral Blake. This plan was probably drawn during this period. Cromwell was despatched to Ireland during the summer to repress Royalist support.

Record Details

Item reference: P/49(16); MS 53-073
Level: PART
Date made: 1649
Creator: Mansell, John
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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