Recto: The MAREYGOULD returns to England. On the way they repair their broken fore yard, and are helped by other English ships when they run out of food. Verso: Barlow is paid for his service on the MAREYGOULD. He ships on the MAYFLOWER, bound for Tenerife.
Page 203 and 204 of Edward Barlow's journal.
Page 203 (recto): Returning to Livorno, they see the HENRIETTA, Sir John Narborough's flagship. They sail with her but are left behind. At Gibraltar they repair their broken fore yard. Later the ship runs out of food, but they are helped by other English ships. On arrival at the Downs, they hear news of a great fire in Southwark.
Page 204 (verso): Barlow is paid 31 shillings per month for his service on the MAREYGOULD. He ships on board the newly launched MAYFLOWER, bound for the Canaries with a cargo of corn. They arrive in Tenerife, and Barlow describes the island. The main export is wine, and the MAYFLOWER takes a cargo of wine on board.
Page 203 (recto): Returning to Livorno, they see the HENRIETTA, Sir John Narborough's flagship. They sail with her but are left behind. At Gibraltar they repair their broken fore yard. Later the ship runs out of food, but they are helped by other English ships. On arrival at the Downs, they hear news of a great fire in Southwark.
Page 204 (verso): Barlow is paid 31 shillings per month for his service on the MAREYGOULD. He ships on board the newly launched MAYFLOWER, bound for the Canaries with a cargo of corn. They arrive in Tenerife, and Barlow describes the island. The main export is wine, and the MAYFLOWER takes a cargo of wine on board.
Record Details
Item reference: | JOD/4/203-204 |
Catalogue Section: | Manuscript volumes acquired singly by the Museum |
Level: | ITEM |
Extent: | 1 page |
Date made: | 1676-1677 |
Credit: | National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London |
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