Recto: Barlow falls out with the captain who cheats the sailors of some of their wages on arrival home. He signs on as second mate on the CADIZ MERCHANT, and explains his duties. Verso: The CADIZ MERCHANT sails for Jamaica. They stop briefly at Nevis, and find in Jamaica that sugar is very scarce after a drought.

Page 219 and 220 of Edward Barlow's journal.

Page 219 (recto): The GUANNABOE is joined by the EUROPA for the rest of their voyage home. On arrival in London Barlow falls out with the captain, who cheats the sailors of some of their wages. Barlow joins the CADIZ MERCHANT, commanded by Captain Johnson, as second mate. He explains a mate's duties.

Page 220 (verso): The CADIZ MERCHANT sails for Jamaica with a cargo and some eighty passengers, in a convoy of ships. Barlow describes the course of their journey, and the island of Nevis. At Jamaica sugar and other goods for loading are very scarce after a season of drought.

Record Details

Item reference: JOD/4/219-220
Catalogue Section: Manuscript volumes acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Extent: 1 page
Date made: 1679-1680
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London