Recto: They receive news that the French fleet has left port, but cannot find any French ships. The ST. MICHAEL catches fire, which is soon put out but several men jump overboard and are drowned. The Straits fleet arrives at Kinsale. Verso: The French fleet captures several West Indies merchant ships and two frigates. The English fleet under Sir Clousley [Cloudsley] Shovell tries to find the French fleet in the main ocean, but without success.

Page 253 and 254 of Edward Barlow's journal.

Page 253 (recto): The fleet sails into Tor Bay. They receive news that the French fleet has left port, and set sail for France but cannot find any French ships. The ST. MICHAEL catches fire, which is put out but several men jump overboard for fear of an explosion and are drowned. The Straits fleet arrives at Kinsale.

Page 254 (verso): The ADVENTURE sights the French fleet of about eighty ships, but it proves to be difficult to find. Several merchant ships bound for the West Indies, as well as two frigates convoying them, have been captured by the French. Sir Clousley [Cloudsley] Shovell looks for the French fleet within Ushant. Barlow gives details of the manouevring between the two fleets in the main ocean, with the French ships evading the English ships.

Record Details

Item reference: JOD/4/253-254
Catalogue Section: Manuscript volumes acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Extent: 1 page
Date made: 1691
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London