Recto: The SEPTER arrives at Anienga, where the East India Company have a factory and fort. The chief commodity is pepper, and children can also be bought. The captain buys a boy for 25 shillings. Verso: At Mangalore they buy bales of rice, and at Goa hogsheads of rack. At Karwar a crewman deserts and boards a ship bound for home.

Page 271 and 272 of Edward Barlow's journal.

Page 271 (recto): The SEPTER arrives at Anienga, where the East India Company have a factory and fort. They hear news of the mutiny on the MOCHA, when the captain was killed and the crew turned to piracy. Anienga is governed by a Queen. The chief commodity is pepper, and coconut is an important food. Children can be bought, and the captain of the SEPTER buys a boy for 25 shillings.

Page 272 (verso): After a short stay at Calicut (now known as Kozhikode), the ship proceeds to Mangalore, where they buy 220 bales of rice. The SEPTER passes a pirate ship on its way to Karwar, where a crewman deserts and boards a ship called the TONQUEEN, bound for home. At Goa they buy rack. On the way to Mumbai they encounter seven local Rovers towing a small captured ketch.

Record Details

Item reference: JOD/4/271-272
Catalogue Section: Manuscript volumes acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Extent: 1 page
Date made: 1697
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London